Mayhem near Sea

The sleety rain drizzled down, not very hard and not very fast, but steady.

The sky was grey, covered with giant-like black clouds. The occasional flickering of the lightning and the loud sound of thunder were scarier than Aylin expected. But, it didn't really stop them from moving forward. Luke and Aylin both were riding on different horses through the rain, wearing thick plastic coats to protect themselves from the rain. Though at first, it was feeling weird, with time, they got used to it.

Except for Luke, Maria was in the inn to take care of Aylin. However, thanks to Luke, she agreed to let her leave the inn despite the sour look on her face. She tried a few times to stop them yet, she dared not to protest against the Fourth Prince.

After one hour of travel through the rain, what awaited her was meeting with a demon from hell.