A Monster

"Shit! Shit!"

Without a second thought, Aylin just ran behind them, forgetting everything else. 

The goblins were only a few steps away from that little kid and her tiny legs were no match with those ugly monsters, hungry chase.

Aylin ran as fast as she could while searching for the silver dagger in the secret pocket of her skirt. The ground was slippery and wet so it was hard to run and she was slipping again and again. Not to mention, the crooked trees of the forest were blocking her way.

"Mother! Mother! HELP!"

The little girl cried out again, screaming loudly. However, when those two goblins were just about to catch up with her, Aylin found the dagger and threw it, aiming at one of their backs. Her aim was perfect. It penetrated the thick skin of his back and a stream of black and thick blood began to ooze out from its wound yet it barely managed to stop it.