Felix waited for Adrian to pour out his discontent with him.

'I couldn't sleep for two days and had to go back and forth to the port to take the place you were missing! But are you dissatisfied that only one word 'pathetic' will be added to your reputation?'

I'd rather be angry like that.

But Adrian kept his mouth shut and turned his head away. Felix's heart was pounding.

"… … Unfortunately, after the exam, I have to see my father in person. It's better not to do anything that goes against the planting for nothing."

Adrian, who had turned away from him, said softly.

"After the exam? Aren't I going to go home after the exam is over?"

"Idiot, that weekend is our birthday."


Adrian glared at Felix with a look on how he could forget that.

"Unless you want to face your angry father on your birthday… … ."

'Let's quietly follow his words' omitted the back words, and Adrian sent a determined look. Felix wrapped his head around it as if he had a headache.

On their birthdays, there was a banquet on the Berg family. However, the banquet was overflowing with only the duke's contacts rather than the Berg twins' friends.

Gorgeous and grand banquet halls, people looking for opportunities to talk to them, and countless gifts sent because they wanted something… … .

In a word, it was a very annoying place.


When he didn't answer, Adrian snapped his finger in front of Felix's face.

"Are you listening to me? Remember, I'm going home on the weekend after the exams are over."

"ha… … . okay."

Felix finally gave up and answered.

I didn't like the exam questions or the birthday banquet, but I didn't want to put Adrian into trouble again.

* * *

that afternoon.

After finishing the last lesson, Felix strode up the stairs to the third floor with long legs.

At the end of the third-floor hallway to the east was an empty, unused classroom. It was originally a herbal medicine classroom, but now it has been reduced to a warehouse where miscellaneous things are kept.

It was time for most of the classes to end, so the students were going down the stairs to go to the dormitory, the cafeteria, or the library. Felix, who scrambled through the crowd like a salmon, and reached the third floor in an instant, turned the corner.

I saw Lucy just about to enter the empty classroom we were supposed to meet.


At the sound of his calling, Lucy turned around.


She was still holding a book in her arms. A stiff smile appeared on Felix's lips when he saw the huge amount. He approached Lucy and asked carefully.

"… … Are those all things I need to see?"

"no! I have mine too."

Lucy reassured him as if not to worry.

Felix took the book from Lucy and followed her into the classroom. A strange odor, a mixture of wood, dust and hazy herbs, wafted from the tip of his nose.

In the back of the classroom, broken desks and chairs, and various miscellaneous objects were piled up in a mess. Seeing the chaos, it seemed like it had been a long time since the classroom had ceased to function.

Unlike the other classrooms, as the warmth of people did not reach it for a long time, it seemed that the chill was felt, but the clear autumn sunlight was pouring down the side of the window.

Felix and Lucy looked around the classroom looking for a desk and chair clean enough to sit and study. On most of the desks were the thick liquid and stains spilled while preparing the medicine. After a while, the two found a desk and chair that were in good condition and sat down near the window.

Looking out the window, I could see the other students gathering in three or three and swarming towards the library. In contrast to the bustling atmosphere, the empty classroom felt more quiet.

Moderate sunlight and quiet atmosphere. And that there is no one to interfere with Felix and Lucy's studies.

Felix really liked this classroom.

"I like this classroom. It's quiet."

Lucy said as if she had just looked into his heart.

"When I am studying in the library, something catches my eye. For example, returned books stacked high on the return counter, or books that people left on the table while reading… … . Erin agreed to take over all the work until the end of the exam period, but she couldn't just let her go. When I wake up, I am organizing my books."

"It's just like Adrian."

Felix said casually.

Adrian also had a habit of working tirelessly. No matter how much people around you tell you to just leave it alone, if you don't handle it yourself, your intuition won't go away.

"that's right. So it was only me and Adrian-senpai who always stayed late at the library."

Lucy said with a small laugh.

"Last year, there was a time when I broke the dorm curfew with Adrian sunbae to fix a broken book. At that time, I was sweating profusely to ejaculate because I asked the headmaster to bring it in. It's funny to think about it now."

Felix suddenly felt a tingle in his stomach as Lucy was talking as if recalling good memories.

Time with Adrian... … . For Lucy, was it a pleasant memory just to recall?

Felix's needlessly rich imagination put Lucy and Adrian right next to each other in his head. My heart was pounding.

This is... … I don't want to imagine this.

The corners of his tightly closed mouth trembled slightly.

Fortunately, Lucy stopped talking about Adrian at that point and pulled the book that was on the desk.

"Anyway, I think this place is much better than the library. I couldn't finish it over the weekend, so try harder today."

Lucy picked up a few books and gave them to Felix.

"Oh, and."

She added, blushing slightly.

"It is forbidden to write anything unrelated to study in the notebook."

It meant that you should focus on your studies and not ask stupid questions like last time.

Felix pursed his lips. In fact, he had been thinking a lot about the questions he wanted to ask Lucy.

"Oh, and you can't even sleep. You know?"

"Yes, teacher."

Lucy's face reddened again at Felix's inadvertently mischievous words. She quickly looked down at the book. But Felix reached out and tapped her desk.

As she raised her head, he said with anticipation.

"Aren't you cheering for me today?"


"You did it last time. 'Senior, I can do it!'"


Lucy rolled her eyes as if in bewilderment at his sudden request. He looked as cute as a student who was bewildered by the surprise question from the teacher who was out of the range he had been preparing for.

After thinking hard, she finally raised her fist and shouted.

"Ko, the last escape… … ! I could… … !"

It was a support that didn't look like support. However, the corners of Felix's lips rose uncontrollably.

Lucy quickly turned her gaze away from her embarrassment, rolled up her sleeves and grabbed the pen tightly. A wrinkle formed on Lucy's brow as she read the book with her eyes wide open.

Felix, who looked at her forehead with satisfaction for a moment, followed her, rolled up her sleeves, and grabbed a pen. Soon he opened the book with an unusually sincere attitude.

Seeing Lucy trying to study with a serious face, I thought that I shouldn't disturb her.

Very sincere and rude.

Clearly, Lucy's parents must never have been upset because of Lucy.

Felix empathized with Lucy's parents, whom he had never met, looked at Lucy with a proud face, and then began to read the book.

For quite some time in the quiet classroom, only the sound of pages turning and handwriting resonated steadily.


Felix pricked up his ears. It was clear that the atmosphere was peaceful, but I kept getting nervous.

Is it because there is Lucy in front?

But it also made me feel a bit uncomfortable.

In the midst of the stillness flowing continuously.

Felix shook his head. At his sudden action, Lucy on the other side also raised his eyes and looked at him with bewilderment.



He put his finger to his lips. Then he got up and went to the back of the classroom, where desks and chairs were stacked high.

After Felix disappeared beyond that.

All of a sudden, the stacked desks and chairs collapsed to the bottom with a loud bang. Surprised, Lucy jumped up from her desk.


she cried in a hoarse voice.

"What happen! it's okay?"

"it's okay."

Felix's voice came from below the chaotic mix of desks and chairs.

"Ouch… … ."

And the moaning of someone who isn't Felix's.

The pile of chairs shook once, and Felix rose from it. He was holding a male student by the neck. It was Noel Loman, a freshman in the library.

"Some bastard was spying on us."

Felix pushed him against the wall. Noel, who was strangled, squeaked and spit out words with difficulty.

"I'm not stealing… … ! Just time to get out... … I've only seen it... … ! Clap!"