
Lucy rushed over and grabbed Felix's arm.

Seeing her surprised expression, Felix released Noel's collar he was holding. Noel, who got out of his hand, leaned against the wall and took a deep breath.

"suddenly… … Why are you doing this?"

"That is what I want to ask. Why do you keep walking around and eavesdropping on other people's stories?"

"It's not that I stumbled… … I've been taking a nap here for a long time! The seniors came in later than me."

Noel said in an embarrassing way.

"I came here on purpose because of work, so nobody came… … ."

"Are you coming to school to sleep? And why did you stay still in the first place?"

"ha… … . That's because I ran out of time to say it! I woke up to the sound of words, and the two of them… … Anyway, I couldn't go out in the morning because I felt like I was going to get caught by the collar if I interrupted you!"

Noel explained with his eyes moistened. He looked really embarrassed. But Felix still stared at him suspiciously. As if to appease him, Lucy said quietly.

"Senior, it must not have been that I didn't say anything on purpose and hid."

Noel, who was encouraged by Lucy's words, sneaked up behind her and stood up. He leaned over and whispered in her ear.

"Adrian-senpai is very kind and kind, but Felix-senpai is a little scary."

"I hear everything."

Felix said with a stern look at him.

Lucy gently pushed Noel's shoulder away from him.

"No, I'm not afraid of Felix-senpai."

She said looking at Noel.

"There are also unexpectedly friendly corners."

As soon as Lucy finished speaking, the classroom went silent in an instant. Felix's face, which had always been full of anger, slowly loosened. Even the eyes that were glaring at Noel quickly lost strength.

He repeated what he had just heard.

friendly corner.

Lucy clearly said so. Although the prefix 'unexpectedly' caught me, I clearly heard the word 'friendly'.

Really? Do I really look that way to her?

He looked at Lucy with eyes full of anticipation.

Lucy seemed to be startled by the words she had unintentionally spit out towards Noel. Soon she continued speaking frantically, as if trying to correct her own words.

"… … If there are people in trouble around you, they come out first and help... … If you are carrying a heavy load, they will lift it for you... … Let's go out to town together... … I make you laugh with jokes... … . Anyway… … Anyway, yes."

The tip of her tongue was gradually blurring, and then she looked down and tapped the floor with her nose.

"Ah, that's it."

After hearing Lucy's words, Noel suddenly snapped and snapped his fingers. He stepped out in front of Lucy and said with a look of understanding now.

"Felix sunbaenim, you seem to be kind only to women."

Lucy, who was looking at the floor, raised her head. Her face darkened at the unexpected interpretation. With a tilted face, 'Is that so?' expression came to mind.

"Whatever it is, if you can be kind to your male juniors, what's the point?"

Noel said with a sad expression on his face.

"Since then, I've been told that I'm a green freshman."

Felix couldn't stand looking at that cube any more.

"I'll be cute now, so would you like to go out for a while?"

At Felix's brutal return, Noel hid behind Lucy again. However, Noel's actions, which keep sticking to her back, only stimulated Felix.

"Why do you keep hiding there? Do you think you'll be hiding behind it!"

Another confrontation broke out between the two. Lucy, in the middle, waved her arms around with a puzzled expression to deter them.

"Stop, stop!"

At Lucy's words, Felix stopped trying to catch Noel. But the eyes glaring at him were still there.

He's as cuboid and light-spoken as Colin Connor, but in terms of bad luck, it's worse than that. No, Colin Connor was on the verge of looking like a silent practitioner.

"Both of you, calm down and sit down!"

Lucy, unable to see, said as she pulled out the chair.

"Come on. It's hard to shout out loud anymore. Some of them are still in class."

At Lucy's words, the two boys went to the chair they had pulled out and sat down. One still glared at his opponent fiercely, and the other still draped his butt over the edge of the chair as if preparing to run away.

"There's Lucy's seat."

Felix said to Noel, who was slumped across from him.

"Lucy-senpai told me to sit down."

"Lucy, tell this bastard to get off right now."

Lucy stood there and touched her forehead.

"Why do you two keep arguing with each other? If we run into each other at the library like this, we will fight again."

"I didn't argue!"

Noel cried out with a sad expression on his face.

"I was taking a nap and suddenly I was pulled out and grabbed by the neck unilaterally."

He said, showing his still bare neck.

Felix sat cross-legged and said, "Hey!" and snorted.

"It's tough."

The two turned away from each other and became angry. Felix wanted to throw Noel on the floor right away, but he was holding on because Lucy was there.

As there was no more nerve warfare, the classroom became quiet in an instant. Only the sound of Lucy arranging the books scattered on the desk was scattered all around.

After a while, Noel, who was watching Felix from the other side of the desk, asked.

"Are you looking for school uniforms anyway?"

"Suddenly, what kind of school uniform is Taryeong?"

"You were stolen this morning."

"Why are you so interested in my school uniform? Did you steal it?"

Felix questioned with suspicious eyes.

"no? Absolutely not?"

Felix's eyes narrowed with suspicion as he raised his voice higher than necessary and denied it.

"I was just asking because I wanted to help."

"What help? said Don't do anything."

"What will you do if you find the thief?"

"What do you do? Fingers... … ."

Felix, who was speaking, was aware of Lucy and stopped talking.

"What's the palm of your hand?"

Felix raised his palm and brought it to his lips so that Lucy could not see. Then he spoke to Noel, who was curious about what was going on behind the scenes.

'Mash it up.'

Noel frowned.

"Senior has a lot of money. Is that uniform that important? Enough to do that?"

"How did you get to that?"

Lucy asked with curious eyes.


Felix declined to answer.

"Anyway, are you weird? You keep asking about my school uniform... … ."

As Felix couldn't stop his doubts, Noel, who had been sitting there even if he died, crept up from his seat.

"Where are you running?"

"It's not running away."

However, contrary to the words, Noel ran to the door in an instant with quick steps. He left the classroom and said with only his head sticking out through the door.

"Anyway, I won't disturb you two now. I won't be coming to this class anymore, so feel free to do it."

"What, what?"

Ignoring Lucy's bewildered voice, Noel disappeared through the door.

"He's a really weird kid."

Felix muttered as he looked at the door where Noel had disappeared.

Lucy sighed deeply. She cleaned up the desk, which was messed up by the childish chatter of the two boys.

"I want to study, but I can't help."

"Yeah. It was too late to study today."

Lucy, who raised her head at Felix's words, looked at him with puzzled eyes.

"Yes? I will do it though."

"uh… … . Aren't you hungry?"

At his question, Lucy suddenly pushed the stacked books in front of him. Then she said with a cold gaze she had never seen before.

"Senior, I can't go anywhere until I see all of this."

Lucy was a person who never said a word. Because Felix didn't even let him get up until he really finished the book.

Always modest and shy, she was as strict and thorough as the Berg family tutor when it came to her studies.

As in yesterday's library, she was not allowed to ask questions that had nothing to do with her studies or even take a walk with her.

In the stillness where there was no romantic atmosphere like the tip of a hair, Felix was relentlessly flipping through the bookshelves.

"Senior, focus, focus! Don't just pretend to pass it on."

Sometimes Lucy's pounding on his desk was the only voice heard in the classroom.

Under Lucy's close watch, Felix's bookshelf continued to roll over. In the end, a thick book that I never thought I could read all came close to the last chapter.

It was after dark outside the window when they finished their studies. Felix closed the book he had read and let out a sigh of relief. It was stiff as if all the moisture in the eyeballs had evaporated.

Lucy also began to organize the books and notes she had been looking at with a slightly tired face.

"then… … Shall we go to dinner?"

A few hours later, a bright smile appeared on Felix's face. But Lucy, who was not accommodating, shook her head and said to him.

"There is still one thing left."

She picked up a book in front of Felix and opened it. And as I turned the page where the important parts were marked, I thought deeply about something.

"The year that Emperor Astrino conquered the Kingdom of Sulan!"

Suddenly, Lucy asked a question.

"Oh, four, three, two… … ."

"200 years of imperial history."

A reply without hesitation came out of Felix's mouth. Lucy looked at him with slightly startled eyes and nodded.

"That's right."

With her sharp eyes shining, she slowly turned the page again.