"The reason why the walls of the Kingdom of Lausanne were only head-high!"

"Because we only had to stop the horsemen."

"Adela's 4 holy sites!"

"Adelon, Eshila, Munen, Rajgir."

Lucy closed the book at Felix's unobtrusive answer.

She looked at Felix with eyes full of surprise, but with some doubts. Felix avoided her gaze with a stern expression.

I wanted to finish my studies as soon as possible, so I revealed the knowledge I knew without filtering.

"It's strange… … . It was clearly out of focus."

Whether or not she knew the situation, Lucy muttered with a sullen face.

* * *

Felix and Lucy left the classroom and headed to the dining room. The restaurant was empty and there was no one there. After all, the sun had already set and it was time for the restaurant to close.

At that time, Lucy turned to Felix with a sorry expression.

"What should I do? I think Aunt Linda is already cleaning up the restaurant. I must have been holding on to it for too long."

Linda, the manager of the restaurant, was working hard to clean up after giving directions to the other staff. Although she had recently taken on the role of manager of the restaurant, she was holding onto the students as well as the other staff members with her sharp and strict work skills.

"it's okay. It's easy to eat in the dormitory."

Felix said as he looked at Linda giving instructions with a blunt expression on her face. For students looking for a late-night snack, the eatery attached to each dormitory was operated much later than the Academy canteen.

Then Linda turned to Felix. Then Linda, who found him, narrowed her eyes, checked Felix's face, and quickly approached him with a cool step.

She opened the dining room door wide.

"Are you here for dinner, student council president?"

Linda, who quickly wiped the blunt expression off her face, said with a friendly smile. She motioned for her to come in quickly.

"Egg, don't be sad! You must be busy studying for the exam. You have to eat well!"

As Felix and Lucy stood stunned at the unexpected welcome, Linda beckoned again.

"Come in, come on!"

As the two entered the dining room, she, too, quickly walked towards the kitchen.

"Sit there and wait!"

Before disappearing into the kitchen, she pointed to a table and shouted.

When Linda had completely disappeared, Felix turned to Lucy and said quietly.

"… … Let's just pretend I'm Adrian for now."

At his words, Lucy quietly nodded her head. Of course, he could go back to the dormitory and have a light dinner, but Felix didn't want to miss the dinner with Lucy, which he had so hard-earned for.

Not long after they sat down at the table and waited, Linda took out a plate full of food and placed it in front of them.

"Thank you so much for suggesting replenishing the kitchen staff on our behalf, student council president."

said Linda, smiling broadly at Felix.

"Thanks for giving me time to catch my breath! How busy and crazy before!"

The rest of the staff standing behind Linda nodded eagerly in agreement.

Linda and the staff went back to the kitchen after making an unconventional promise that 'I will prepare food whenever you come, regardless of the restaurant's operating hours.'

"So this is a dinner thanks to Adrian."

Felix said while looking down at the food in front of him.

"I think Adrian is not only interested in the student council, but also the welfare of the academy staff."

Lucy has spoken.

"One day, when Brother Fred fell off his horse and injured his ankle, he suggested it to the academy so that he could receive medical assistance."


Felix was the first I had heard of it. The story of the kitchen staff and the story of the inspiration Fred.

I knew that Adrian was passionate about student council work, but I didn't know that even the academy users were caring and helping.

"Is that also part of the duke's education?"

Lucy asked, poking the sausage with a fork. Felix thought for a moment, then raised his head.

"I don't know… … Nobles should embrace and take good care of their servants."

"Um, yes."

A sarcastic reply came out of Felix's mouth.

Have I ever been on behalf of the Duke's servants?

He was in thought.

"Adrian-senpai seems to be a person who always thinks about that."

Felix shut his mouth. Suddenly, I felt like a pathetic and thoughtless person.

Well, it's not terribly wrong.

He poked the beans with a fork. But, as if it was not the beans that were stabbed, but his own heart, his chest was pounding.


At Lucy's call, Felix lifted his head out of thought once more.

"Ah, uhm."

Lucy looked at her with a worried expression as she watched Felix not eating properly and only stabbing beans.

"Why aren't you eating? You sang because you were hungry earlier."

"No, I'm eating."

Felix avoided Lucy's gaze and put the food in his mouth.

Lucy, who was staring at him, said cautiously.

"Well… … I'll finish it an hour earlier from tomorrow."


"I didn't know you would be so exhausted. I guess I should have taken it easy."


Felix hurriedly waved his hand. I pretended to be energized to somehow prevent the time I spent with Lucy from diminishing.

"Don't cut your time. I need to be harsh. You're last in grade. I have a bad brain, so it's not enough to increase my study time."

At his words, Lucy jumped this time.

"I have a headache! After memorizing one book at a time today!"

She said with an unhappy expression as if she had heard that her head was bad.

"If seniors work a little harder, they will be able to achieve good grades. Senior is Adrian-senpai and twins. He must have a natural brain like Adrian-senpai."

Lucy continued speaking as if encouraging him.

"Because they are really the same."


Felix suddenly turned serious.

"Are you really that same? Indistinguishable?"

Lucy cast a puzzled look at Felix, who asked anew about the facts that all Academy students knew.

"Well… … Yes. It's the same."

"Is there really nothing different?"

Felix asked persistently.

"Even though they are twins, there must be something different in one place or another. For example, there are spots in certain areas, or the shape of the ears is different."


Lucy rolled her eyes as if she had been asked a bewildered question.

"To me, they both look so much alike that I can't tell them apart."


"Yes? What?"

Lucy's answer made Felix confused.

Is it really that Lucy's eyes only see a halo behind Adrian?

But Felix never wanted to think that way. So I asked Lucy again.

"Look. There must be another corner somewhere."

"uh… … ."

Felix's urging was so serious that Lucy became serious at the same time. Frowning her brow as she did when she studied, she began to look at Felix's face in every nook and cranny.

Her round eyes moved eagerly.

Felix's forehead, eyebrows, ears, chin, lips… … .

Her gaze, looking around, finally stopped on Felix's blue eyes. Felix, who was holding his face close to him to look for it, took a deep breath and inhaled involuntarily.

Lucy's emerald eyes were deep and mysterious. Felix felt his body stiffen with tension along with a tingling sensation.

"… … But, senior. I can't find anything different because I don't have anything to compare it to right now."

Lucy said quietly looking into his eyes.

Felix hurriedly pulled his face back and lowered his gaze.

"Oh, yes. That's right."

"I'll look for Adrian-senpai later when we're together."

"Oh yeah."

Felix mumbled and hurriedly shoved the food into his mouth. My heart was beating uncontrollably.

* * *

After leaving the restaurant and taking Lucy to the girls' dormitory, Felix's steps back to his room became lighter.

As if waking up from a nightmare and waking up on the morning of another day, all that remained in his mind was the pleasant time spent with Lucy. Just because I had dinner with her, today turned into a very satisfying day.

When we got to the room, Adrian who had returned first was changing his school uniform. He said looking at Felix.

"Come now?"

Without answering, Felix leapt as if diving onto Adrian's bed. Immediately, Adrian's nagging flew in.

"Felix, I told you not to lay down on my bed in an overcoat."

But Felix flopped like a fish on his bed with a smile on his face.

Seeing this, Adrian shook his head.

"okay… … . I just want you to be happy."

Felix fluttered on Adrian's bed a few more times before stopping when he heard something fall from the bed. He checked the floor to pick up the fallen object.

Something like a silver cord fell beside the bed. Felix reached out and picked it up.

After a while, he slowly got up from the bed and sat down. The smile slowly faded from his lips.

He looked down at the object in his hand, silently.

The constellation of the Holy Sword was shining in the small crystals attached to the necklace.