Let's get this party started.

Paige banged the door to Lewis' door , hurling it wide open. She didn't care to knock, she has been searching all over the house for him and calling his name incessantly but showed no sign of him every place she searched for so she decided to come up to check him up in his room remembering Jada asking her a while ago about Lewis.

"Hallelujah there you are!" Paige exclaimed, throwing her hands up to the air and waving it, relieved she found him in his room.

"What, is anything wrong?" Lewis asked her, almost shooting lasers with his eyes towards her. She ruined the special moment he was having with Jada.

"I have been looking all over for you, today's party is for you still yet you are nowhere to be seen around your party, mom wants you downstairs she wants to officially introduce you to the congregation  in attendance" Paige said to him crossing her arms across her chest.

"He would be down in a minute, he was dressing up for the party so I was helping him out" Jada pointed out, while using a comb to style his hair. 



"Someone's coming!" Lewis shrieked, They both were in the process of getting themselves laid when Paige's voice came thundering from the stairs calling him persistently causing them both to quickly disperse and dress up.


Flashback Over

"You Jada were helping him Lewis to get dressed in his room and on his bed?" Paige sought an answer from Lewis and Jada pointing at them both one after the other.

"Yeah, I mean no I'm I'm...I'm just helping him get his hair done for the par.. ty" Jada stuttered, putting the comb down off of Lewis's hair and getting off the bed.

"Just tell Mom I will be down in a minute" Lewis told Paige on noticing Jada stuttering over her words.

"Jada, no need to get up from the bed, it seems like you guys were having a special moment. I'm so sorry for disrupting, my apologies. '' Paige atoned for an apology from them bowing down her head as a form of courtesy for disrupting them. Lewis glared at her in a confused manner, his jaw gawked in bewilderment. 

His sister Paige could never dare to apologize for such a thing; she would rather die than to do so. Paige saw the look on his face so she winked at him.

'Maybe she did it because he was with Jada' He thought within himself still staring at her to know if she was still the same sister he knew that always fought over everything with him. 

They both weren't really the type of siblings that went along pretty well with each other just like Jada and Jason.

"Now if you will excuse me" She excused herself grabbing the doorknob to leave but stopped.

"Be down in a minute lewy" She smirked at him with contempt through gritted teeth as she closed the door withdrawing from the room.

They both surely were going to have a conversation later about what happened today, Lewis thinks she did it knowingly even if she didn't, she should have at least knocked it wasn't her room she had no right to enter anyhow.

"Woah, that was close" Jada exclaimed, dropping the comb, settling down back on the bed and clutching her heart.

"That's Paige for you, she did it on purpose" Lewis made known to Jada who stared at him in amazement.

"Why would she do that?" 

"Remember we both don't move along pretty well with each otherl" Lewis said to her, turning towards her looking her in the eye.

"Is she still keeping malice with you over that birthday party stuff?" Jada asked Lewis. Lewis loved playing pranks on Paige, so when she was ten she was celebrating her birthday party which she invited all her friends over for it but it didn't end up well for her. 

Unknowingly to her Lewis hid an explosive substance inside of the cake so when she was blowing off the candles set on the cake it exploded right in front of her face causing her to become a laughing stock in front of her friends. She hated Lewis from that day swearing to pay him back in his own coin.

"I guess so" Lewis mentioned to Jada shrugging his shoulders in an 'i don't know' manner.

"Same goes for me and Jason, it's just I don't actually hate him but he enjoys finding fault with me so it makes us to not move along with each other you know how it is I just prefer Joe to him".

"Are you still having issues with Jason?" 

"Yeah, he even criticized my dress tonight saying I look like a clown in it right before we came to your party" Jada expressed sadly to Lewis who observed it so he took her hands into his.

"Baby girl do not listen to him out of all girls I have seen out there, you are absolutely one of the prettiest one I have ever met. Being opportuned to date you is a blessing" He confessed to her massaging her fingers softly.

"Awn, that's so sweet of you" Jada cried out while embracing him.

"You are one sweet thing you know" He added to his confession breaking the embrace as he kissed her soft lips one more time but it was a short kiss.

"Come on we got your party to celebrate" Jada reminded him, breaking the kiss and dragging him up from the bed to his feet.

"Just one more kiss" He pleaded for a kiss from her.

"Lewy, we could do that for as long as we want but your party"

"You are sounding like Paige, please don't call me lewy just call me babe" 

"Okay babe, now let's go" 

Lewis encircled Jada's Left arm into his, closing the door and withdrawing from the room.


Jada and Lewis walked majestically arm to arm with each other walking down the stairs leading to the living room, all eyes that saw them gasped in amazement.

"Wow they look so cute together"

"OMG, is she his girlfriend?"

"Jada's dating Lewis?"

"They suit each other so well"

Different comments from different directions came flying in towards them as they walked down the stairs. Jada's head almost exploded she felt like a celebrity smiling towards every single face staring at her. This is what it felt like to date a rich and well known family.

"Good evening mom, dad" Lewis greeted his parents as soon as he came in contact with them.

"Oh my sweet sweet boy" Mrs Hailey called him as she usually does.

"How are you doing son?" Mr Andy asked him, giving him a tap at the back.

"I'm okay dad"

"OMG, you look so pretty Jada I love the dress" Mrs Hailey dropped a comment on Jada's dress.

"Thanks Mrs Hailey" Jada thanked her, leaving Lewis' arm to give her a hug.

"So people what are we waiting for, let's get this party started"