I don't say sorry to bitches.

Every single person in the living room enjoyed the party, the music beating from the loud speakers helped in making the scene more lively but everything stopped with the clinking of a glass cup by Mr Andy drawing all attention towards him as the DJ lowered the music.

"Can I have all of your attention over here please ladies and gents?" Mr Andy announced, clinking the glass cup with a spoon continuously, satisfied with the amount of attention focused on him, he dropped the cup and spoon on a little table positioned in the middle of the living room.

"I am truly grateful to see each and every one of your pretty faces tonight" He remarked, expressing it in a joyful manner accompanied by a pretty smile appearing on his lips.

"We all know the reason we gathered here tonight is for you all to officially help me welcome my son Lewis back home" He added, pointing at some of the guests in the living room dragging Lewis politely to his front for everyone to see him more clearly.

"Son, do introduce yourself" Mr Andy said to Lewis, adjusting himself behind Lewis making way for him to stand in front of the guests.

"Hello, everyone I am Lewis and I'm very happy to see all of your pretty faces tonight in my welcome back party, and for that I am so grateful but no need for anymore announcement, please serve yourselves there's enough for everyone" Lewis expressed excitedly, clicking the tip of his right hand fingers as some maidservants came into view bringing in refreshments along with them moving round the room searching for interested guests whom would prefer some of it.

"You are a man now, I'm so proud of you son" Mr Andy mentioned to Lewis giving him a gentle massage at his back.

"You know you didn't have to host a welcome back party for me, it's not like i am the President's son"

"When I was your age, my father always did the same for I and my siblings so I swore to do the same for my kids"

"Guess, you are a good father after all" 

"I guess I am"

"What about Lawson?" I haven't seen him since I came back?"

"He traveled to Australia for a vacation, says he wants to spend up to three months or so over there"

"He couldn't wait till I came back?"

"Sorry son but I kept your return a secret from everyone even your mom, I decided to tell her but then she went ahead and spilled the beans to jada and from then boom! everyone knew about it"

"Uhm, sir could I borrow him for a minute?" Jada intruded upon their conversation.

She had excused herself when Mrs Hailey took her some seconds ago to introduce her to some of her friends telling them she was her son's boyfriend but she had to leave them being too shy to stay in their midst. The way Mrs Hailey praised her in front of her friends made her really shy.

"Sure, you can Jada" Mr Andy accepted her proposal.

Jada took Lewis by the arm dragging him mildly to a more private segment of the room where guests were not crowded with.

"Your mom can be so disturbing Jesus!, she just took me and literally introduced me to some of her friends over there as her son's girlfriend" Jada told Lewis pointing over to his mom's direction where she could be seen with some friends.

"Well, that's my mom for you, you are lucky she didn't announce it with a microphone to everyone here" Lewis made known to Jada after checking out the direction she was pointing at.

"I like her way though, but she can be so, ugh I don't even know the word to describe her with'' Jada blurted out to Lewis, trying to describe his mom to him but she just couldn't find the word to use.

"Troubling?" Lewis added a suggestion to Jada's description about his mom.

"Yeah, exactly!" Jada exclaimed happily, finding the word she wanted to use with the help of Lewis.

"How did you know she's troubling?" Jada abruptly questioned him forgetting she was his mom.

"Hello, she's my mom baby girl I know her" Lewis signaled Jada waving to her face to remind her Mrs Hailey was his mom.

"Right, sorry I forgot" Jada muttered to him through gritted teeth smiling clumsily at him.

'How could I forget such a thing, Jada you are such a doofus" Jada mumbled to herself giving herself a slight tap on the head.

"Lewy, I'm sorry for calling you Lewy but I just love calling you Lewy so please don't get mad at me" Jada pleaded to Lewis, she knows Lewis doesn't like to be called Lewy but she just preferred the name.

"Fine, but don't call me lewy whenever Paige's near, I don't want her nagging in my ears everyday telling me my girlfriend calls me lewy" 

"But it's just a name, a nickname for your sweet name lewis"

"I know but Paige calls it in a manner I do not like" 

"Okay" Jada mentioned clicking her tongue.

"So you never told me how you lived over those years in England, you know the friends you made over there, the school you went to and so many others" Jada asked lewis, she has always wanted to ask him about that, she missed him seriously over those years. 

She would call him on the phone sometimes he answers and sometimes he doesn't, making Jada tripple worried about him.

But she is a strong girl indeed, waiting patiently for someone for six years is something many girls out there couldn't do, so when she got the news about him coming back it was as if her prayer was answered.

"Well, that's a long story to tell, why don't we leave it for another day?" He remarked, scratching the back of his head.

"Hey over here" Lewis called out to one of the maidservants he saw. She walked hastily to him, handing a glass of alcohol to him. He gulped it down his throat in one shot, dropping the cup on top of the tray she carried along with her, he thanked her.


"You drink?" Jada questioned him, staring at him with perplexity.

"Yeah I do, you don't?" He responded to her question, asking her the same question she asked him.

"I do but it's lemonade" Jada replied to him making him scoff.

"Anything wrong?" Jada interrogated him, crossing her arms between her chest. She didn't like it when people scoffed at her.

"Nothing wrong baby girl, but I don't deal with lemonade lemonade's for ladies, alcohol is for men" He said to Jada who still stared at him puzzled. 

'Lewy doesn't like drinks, especially alcohol. When did he start to drink?" She asked herself that question.

"So you are now a man..…." Jada said but  got cut short of words by a girl who came to where they were having their discussion.

"Hello, my name is Rose and my friend Scarlett who's over there says she likes you but she's too shy to meet you so can I  have your number?" Rose shoved Jada aside roughly, cutting her short of words while pointing at her friend Scarlett who sent her to them.

"Uhm, rose you pushed me you should say sorry" Jada demanded an apology from rose, her countenance changed to a mad one. A stranger pushed her aside just to collect her boyfriend's number.

"I don't say sorry to bitches" Rose babbled out to Jada. Lewis stood speechlessly watching the drama going on. Jada's fists twisted in anger. Rose better apologize to Jada or she was going to get it from her.