Someone's Going To Get Mad.

"You changed already" Jada said to him, rousing him from his lustful thoughts, meeting up with him.

"Uhh, yeah" His lustful thoughts left him, bringing him back to his senses.

"Let's go" He took her by the arm, leaving the shopping mall. Three valets followed behind with shopping bags in their hands.

"What are they doing?" Jada arched a brow up, confused to see his car being loaded with shopping bags.

"Ooh, I got more for you".

"What!" Jada yelled, causing Lewis to cover his ears.

"What is it?" His eyes popped wide open, demanding an answer from her.

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to yell '' Jada apologized, taking a deep breath in and letting it out before continuing. "I didn't ask you to buy me clothes, I didn't get all my clothes wet'' She whispered to him in a low tone since she yelled last time.

"We are done" One of the valets came over to them and told him, after loading his car with the shopping bags.

"Okay" He brought out his bank card, handing it over to the female valet which she took and left.

"I know, it's my money and I'm spending it on you" He kissed her temple.


"No buts-" He shut her up with a hand on her mouth preventing Jada from speaking further.

"Here" The valet came over to them handing the card over to him which he accepted, "thank you for shopping with us" The valet thanked him flashing him a smile earning a flirtatious wink from Lewis.

That scene disgusted Jada as she took Lewis's arm, dragging him into the car politely. Lewis knew it made Jada jealous but he just smiled at her which Jada didn't bother to look at. She was jealous, he had no right to smile at another female. He was her boyfriend.

"Can we go home now?" Jada questioned him, she was feeling tired or should she say jealous.

"We aren't done yet" Lewis mumbled to her, driving off before she could say a word.


The drive to a fancy restaurant wasn't that long or tiring because they arrived within twelve minutes. Jada forgot about her phobia for cars, she was enjoying today too much to have something like that pestering her mind. They arrived at a fancy restaurant which looked too expensive to Jada.

"No no no" Jada shook her head, hopping out of the car.

"We aren't going in there" She shook her head in disagreement, walking over to Lewis who seemed not to be bothered by her frequent warnings. Well he had wealth but that doesn't mean he should spend it anyhow. She was trying to be a good girlfriend that helps her boyfriend save and not spend it all.

"This is way too expensive" Jada made known to him, pointing at the restaurant that stood in front of her. It was huge and looked too big for a restaurant. The bright, luminous colored light dazzling on the body of the restaurant reflected on her amber eyes.

"It's my parent's property" Lewis mentioned to Jada, relaxing on the body of his car with his hands dipped inside the pocket of the pants he put on.

"What!!" Jada's eyes almost popped out of it's socket as she yelped loudly.

"Take it easy, people are watching" Lewis cautioned her in a low tone. Jada turned and noticed the number of people watching her so she then whispered.

"It's your parent's restaurant?" She whispered to him.

"My mom's to be precise".

Jada's jaws dropped out of shock. His mom owned that restaurant. How much wealth did they already have?. Her mom worked as a cleaner in a hotel while her boyfriend's mom owned such a restaurant.

When was things going to get better for her family?.

Lewis observed the look she had on her face and smirked. 

"Common, let's go in" He dragged Jada inside. Her numb legs managed to move.

Inside of the restaurant, people of different prestige could be seen. Without anyone telling Jada she knew they were of rich status. They were eating and drinking with their dates.

Lewis searched for seats till his eyes found one, he walked up to it and slid a seat back for Jada to sit before settling down on one facing her.

"You mom really owns this restaurant?" Jada managed to form words in her mouth.

"Yeah, she does".

"It's pretty" She turned her neck forth and back, studying the place. It was really spacious, neat and pleasantly decorated.

A male waiter who saw them came in walked up to them.

"Good day to you too" He smiled at them. "May I have your orders?" He asked them pointing at the order book placed on the table.

"I will have risotto and steak with a crisp white wine" Lewis gave out his order.

"I will have the same" Jada mentioned.

"Ok" He took their orders and left.

"I thought you only drank lemonade?".

"I can't have lemonade in a restaurant like this, I don't think they even serve it".

"They do, let me get it for you" Lewis attempted to stand.

"No don't" Jada dragged him back to his seat.

"Are you sure you can handle wine?" Lewis asked her, searching her amber eyes curiously for answers. He needed to ask because if she gets up drunk then surely her mom's going to kill him.

"If it's not alcoholic, then I can handle it" Jada smiled at him politely.

The waiter arrived shortly with their food, setting it on the top of their table. After setting it, he left.

"Enjoy" Lewis pushed the plate of food closer to her.

Jada removed the plate cover. The sweet aroma of the food hit her nose so bad that she didn't need anyone telling her the food was going to be delicious.

They ate the food in total silence. After being done with it, Lewis went up to pay the bills but it got rejected so they left. That alone proved to Jada his mom really owned the restaurant.

Jada was so full that she didn't bother asking Lewis about their next stop as she fell asleep but she was surprised when she woke up to find herself infront of her house.

Lewis got off, moving towards the other side of the car and opened the door. 

"Thank you" She thanked him, getting out of the car.

Lewis helped and took some of the shopping bags inside the house while Jada took the rest in.

"Thank you so much for today, lewy" She embraced him.

"You're welcome" He broke the embrace.

"Are you free tomorrow?" He asked her.

"I got school".

"Right, school".

"So see you soon" He said to Jada planting a short kiss on her temple before driving off. 

"Bye" She waved to him.

"OMG", She jumped, throwing her hands up in the air.

"Can't wait for Olivia to hear this". Jada thought to herself. She couldn't wait to spread the news to her bestie. Oh! Speaking of bestie.

She hasn't exactly called Olivia since after Lewis's welcome back party, she totally zoned Olivia out. Oh!, Someone's going to get mad.