The Clock's Ticking.

Olivia went through her locker, searching for books she would need for class when Jada came into view. Her locker was next to Olivia so she went ahead in search of some books she also needed for class.

"Hi bestie" Jada waved to Olivia who rolled her eyes at her and gave her the cold shoulders.

Jada then nudged her by the shoulders playfully but Olivia didn't respond to it. So she tried another tactic by dropping some books intentionally on the ground. She reached down to pick them up, hoping Olivia would help her out but Olivia didn't even move an inch.

She picked the books up by herself and back into the locker they went to. Jada shut her locker closed loudly, hoping to gain Olivia's attention.

But Olivia did the worse as she yanked her hands into the handbag she carried along with her, getting her phone and an earpiece out. Shutting Jada out completely, she plugged them into her ears. 

Olivia shut her locker closed and walked about two steps before Jada sidestepped her, preventing her from walking any further.

Olivia walked to the left but Jada hurried over to the left blocking her, she tried walking to the right but Jada still sidestepped her too.

Out of frustration, she yelled at Jada who quivered for a bit but still stood her ground.

"Olivia please just listen to what I have to say" Jada pleaded intently to her, her gaze locked up on Olivia's. Jada knew she was probably mad at her. 

She promised to call her after Lewis's welcome back party but she didn't. She was too buried up in Lewis's world shutting her bestie out of it. 

Oliva pulled the earpiece out of her ears, putting it and her phone into her handbag. She looked up to Jada who's gaze never left her as she silently watched her.

"I am not going to talk to you" Olivia avowed frankly to Jada.

"But you just did," Jada retorted.

"Oh God, I hate you Jada" Olivia cursed under her breath loud enough for Jada to hear. Jada let out a soft chuckle watching Olivia cursed her.

"What's so funny Jada?" Olivia asked her, staring at her with incredulity. Jada was supposed to apologize to her and try to make it up to her by zoning her out of her life for two days. 

Jada promised to call her after Lewis's welcome back party but she never did. Olivia called her but she didn't pick up neither did she return any of her calls so she was mad at her bestie for that.

"I'm so sorry for not responding to your calls or returning any of them either" Jada apologized with her hands raised up to her chest, her fingers intertwined between them. 

"Jada you shunned me out of your life for two whole f**king days" Olivia spat out bitterly to Jada who's eyes had a credulous glint in it.


"Do not say any f**king word to me, because I'm not going to listen to anything you have to say" Olivia said to Jada, cutting her short of her words. Her arms crossed between her chest.

Her eyes were fierce this time around. Jada couldn't remember the last time Olivia was mad at her or the last time they fought over something.

"Please Olivia just listen to me". She pleaded incessantly.

"Fine but you have only a minute" Olivia declared savagely to her. A deep breath escaped Jada's mouth as she cleared her throat to speak.

"Olivia first of all I'm so sorry for not calling or returning any of your calls back" She stopped for a while studying Olivia's face checking out whether Olivia was really listening to her. Satisfied with the look Olivia had on her face, she proceeded with her explanation.

"You can call me a bad best friend because recently I f**ked up, im-".

"The clock's ticking, three seconds!" Olivia cut her shut of words reminding her of the time she gave her. A wicked grin formed on her lips.

"Three seconds?" Jada blinked her eyes twice. "Are we really doing this Olivia?".

"Sorry, but I got things to do so bye bye" Olivia waved to her distinctly, shoving her aside and heading to class.

"Olivia!" Jada screamed her name loudly as she ran after her. Some students in the hall darted their attention toward them when Jada screamed Olivia's name but quickly resumed their activities, finding out it wasn't something they found necessary. She caught up with her, dragging her back roughly and stopping her from moving further.

"Please just listen to me".

"I have heard enough so if you'll excuse me".


"Yeah, seriously Jada. I called you to let you know I wasn't going to be in town for a while and you never returned any of my calls" Olivia's voice raised this time around, her tone was hard and cold. 

"Don't try and find any excuse because I know you were with Lewis totally zoning your bestie out" Olivia complained bitterly to Jada who saw the resentment reflecting in her eyes. She really hurt Olivia badly this time.

Their friendship was one that even when they fought over something, they would still get over it but Jada avoided anything that would result in a dispute between the both of them. She avoided it like a plague.

Olivia was the only child of her parents, she had no other siblings so she took Jada as one. She was the type that little things would hurt her feelings and she took things to heart easily.

"I feel like your boyfriend is stealing my bestie away from me and I don't like it" Olivia's countenance changed to a worried one. Her mouth opened to speak further but Jada attacked her up with a bone-crushing hug.

"I promise to not do that again, I promise" Jada embraced her tightly, patting her blonde wavy hair while Olivia did the same to hers.

"You're sure-".

Olivia broke the embrace trying to speak some words to Jada but the bell signifying for class rang in the hallway interrupting her.

"Time to go" Jada interlocked her arm with Olivia's as they disappeared in the crowd of students dispersed in different directions of the hallway heading for class.