Her Worst Nightmare.

A short handsome average dark skinned man who seemed to be in his early thirties could be seen in a class, his beards were shaved fine and good. 

He put on a white shirt with black long trousers accompanied with the black shoes he wore on his feets. The braids he had on his head were weaved in an organised set of lines. He was Mr Lawson, the teacher in charge of the class and also the class favorite teacher.

"Now everybody settle down" He banged a textbook he held in his hands on the teacher's desk in front of him, gaining the attention of the whole students in the class.

Jada and Olivia walked swiftly to their seat, Jada sat at the end of the window while Olivia sat next to her. She waved to Olivia hoping for her to wave back or give her a smile at least to prove she wasn't mad at her anymore. 

Olivia responded by giving her a pretty smile which Jada returned as they both giggled and darted their attention to their teacher before he calls any of them out. He was a nice teacher but also a troublemaker.

"Today's a new day and I am so, so glad to see each and everyone of your beautiful faces here" He brought the textbook in his hands up to his chest and clutched it tightly against his chest.

"Not your own face Luke" He pointed at one of his students seated at the back, all the students stared at the boy immediately laughing hysterically at him but shut up at once when Mr Lawson told them to.

"Enough!" A smile formed on his lips, it was a big one revealing his perfect set of white teeths to the whole class. The whole class burst into a thunderous laugh, Mr Lawson was the kind of teacher that knew how to make his students happy.

He always acted like a clown which made the whole class to love him differently from the other teachers. Even when his students failed his tests or exams, he knew how to help them get a perfect score. He was the maths teacher.

"Silence" He striked his hands on the teacher's desk loud enough to conquer the thunderous laughter in the classroom. The whole class went dead in unison but a particular girl named Barbara continued laughing.

Every single eye in the entire classroom fell on her. She was too plumpy with fat cheeks surrounding her round face. Her  fat cheeks covered her eyes while laughing. Maybe that's why she didn't notice Mr Lawson standing in front of her.

Immediately her eyes caught a glance of him in front of her. She stood immediately with her head facing the ground, her gaze locked up on her desk. 

"What's so funny Barbara?" Mr Lawson questioned her. Her head was still bent facing the ground.

"Nothing teach!" She replied to him quickly, with her head still bent.

"You know it's a crime in my class if you do not reply to my question while looking at my face".

"Huh" her face raised immediately but felled back when her blue eyes caught a glance of his face. The whole class watched in silence waiting for an episode to occur. Even though he cracked jokes with them, they still dared not to play with him.

"I'm sorry teach but I can't look at you" Barbara said to him in a low and scaredy tone.

"Why can't you look at me?" He pressed on, fully aware he was frightening her. 

"I just can't, please forgive me teach" Barbara pleaded to him. She was shivering nervously, her hands went above her head with her fingers interlocked between them. 

"Okay, now sit you are forgiven" He made known to her, walking away from her toward the teacher's desk. Barbara thanked him, doing the sign of the cross as she sat.

"Today we would be welcoming new students, well not actually new but students from class B but they are still new since today would be the first day of them joining us officially" He announced to the whole class. Everyone listened to him attentively.

"You know them already since they are very famous in Lexington high already" He continued, a polite smile appearing at the end of his lips.

"Let it not be them, let it not be them" Olivia murmured under her breath ceaselessly on hearing Mr Lawson's words. 

"Now let us welcome them in".

A guy with pale white skin banged his hands on the top of his desk continuously. His desk served as a drum as he beat it unendingly while it produced a sound that seemed pleasant to his ears. He was the class president.

Mr Lawson clapped his hands twice as some unknown figures walked into the class majestically, They were three girls. The long sharped heels they were putting on left a heavy sound on the ground as they marched into the class.

They all looked like Barbie dolls due to the pink clothing they put on. They were petite, pretty and tall, two of them had a purple hair colour while the one in the middle that seemed to be their leader had pink hair with some strands of white hair in it.

The fancy handbags they all carried in their arms looked pretty expensive, they all dressed in the same pink clothes. Some guys in the class drooled at the sight of them.

"Do introduce yourselves" Mr Lawson mentioned to them.

"Hi guys, I'm Julia Anderson" One of them waved to the class, introducing herself. She seemed to be the nicest one among the three of them. 

"I'm Jessie Moore" the second girl introduced herself without looking up to the class, her attention was too fixed on the phone she was with.

"And I'm the queen Janessa Young" The last girl in the middle announced to the class in a firm and strong manner with a mischievous grin forming at the end of her lips.

What Olivia wished for to not happen just did. Her worst nightmare just came to reality. Her eyes caught with Janessa's causing her heart to skip a beat seeing the mischievous grin she had on her lips.