Not Again

Somewhere at the Lohengramm mansion, a boy holding a wooden sword used the wall as his footing to throw himself forward.



His opponent, a woman who was using a small twig, redirected his attack to the side. She threw a kick on his stomach as follow up, making him flew away to hit the wall.

"You've really improved your swordsmanship in just two years... I must say, I'm quite impressed, Athan."

The woman walked towards the boy and aimed the twig to his neck.

"Though... That doesn't mean you could beat me yet."

Athan, who had his back slumped on the wall, slowly lifted his head upon noticing the shadow towering up before him.

"Tch...!" He clicked his tongue out of annoyance.

Before the woman could even add something to say, she finally noticed that her foot had been standing on to something gooshy... It was weirdly uncomfortable for her.


By the time her attention went back to Athan...

"Do you...!!?

He was gone.

She tries to turn around when she suddenly felt something poking the side of her neck.

"No... That MEANS I could beat you." She heard a whisper in her ear. It was faint, almost similar to a gentle gust of wind hitting her ears. Though, it was oddly creepy.

For the first time of her life, someone had managed to snuck up behind her... If we ignored the existence of her husband.

"I win this time, mom."


(Athan POV)


As soon as I woke up, I found myself laying on my bed inside my room.

"...What happened?"

Just how did I get here... Ah!

I tried my hardest to recall my duel with my mom and finally remembered everything.

After beating her, for some reason, she got angry at me. She kept on babbling about not to snuck up behind other woman and other sort of stuff... It was annoying.

When I tried to come up with a reason to say, she palmed my face and... Here I am.

"Just what's up with her...? Does sneaking up with someone really that's bad?"

...I think not.

I mean, we were in a duel, right?

"...I really don't get woman."




Few hours later.

"Mom, I'll go out for a bit to the city."



...She's still angry.

My expression faltered for a quick second before recovering. Up until now, I couldn't really understand why she was still angry at me.

It was a duel, what the hell?

In a real death battle, the honor, pride, title of someone does not mean anything.

The rule is simple.


If we were fighting to the death for real, I wouldn't even hesitate to use any means just to win even if she were my mother.

...She was a former adventurer, how can she not know that!!?

Heaving out a deep and heavy sigh, I turned around and walked towards the carriage.

...Let's not get into much details. Knowing her, she'll probably just need to let off some steam in the bath. And I've already asked some of the maid to do that.


As soon as I arrived at the city, I looked around for a blacksmith shop that I often visit.

"This should be it."

Lifting my head, I stopped in front of an fairly average-looking shop.

Compared to the shop nearby that I saw, this shop looks pretty average from the outside. Without much design on the outside and mirror, someone could mistake this place for a normal home instead of a shop, if it wasn't for the a insignia hanging above the door.

Still... it felt weird whenever I look at it.

Taking a step forward and stopping at the door, I took a quick glance at the insignia just above my head.

A hammer...? No, it looks more like an old phone that had a stick on the side.

"Boss... Is the sword done yet?"

However, no response came. I entered the door and walked inside, raising my voice a slightly as I repeat my sentence.

"Boss, is the sword done... Hmm?"

Clang-! Clang-!

I heard a loud sound of a metal being pounded on the other room. And so, I decided to go there to investigate.


The air feels hot...

As soon as I opened the door, a waved of hot, and heavy scent of metal invaded my nostril, passing through my nose.

It took a couple of seconds before my nose could adjust to the smell. And once I looked around, my eyes shown in surprise.

The room was filled with various things. From spears, bows, swords, to even shields, and light and heavy armors. Plus, there are other types of accessories that gives various effects.

All of them are arranged in group. It was so symmetrical that even I was amazed.

"Boss, is the sword ready?"

In front of me was an old bald dwarve, hammering a metal from his anvil. Furthermore, the old dwarve seemed to be so focused that it took him a couple of minutes before he could give me side glance as if noticing.

"Oh, you're here already? The sword is just in the corner. You can take it and leave." He said firmly before resuming to his work, hammering the metal before him.

I sighed internally and ignored his disrespectful manners towards me... Does he not know that disrespecting a noble's child can leads to death penalty?

I shook my head before turning to where he pointed. Walking towards it, I took the sword off the table and took it out of it's scabbard.

...It was polished cleanly. The sword reflected my face almost like a mirror.

"Finish? Pay your check and leave." He spoke once again, his eyes never leaving the metal as he put it back inside the furnace.

...Let's not disrespect elderly.

Frowning, I held my urge back and took out fifteen silver coin from my pocket, leaving it on the table as I turned around to leave.




After I left the shop, I decided to stroll around the city.

I went inside the other shops, bought gifts and many candies that I can give to my sister after I get home.

...My sister?

Remember the baby? Yep, it was her.

"Where should I go next... huh?"

While I was walking around, I noticed some faint voice on the part of an empty alley.

Taking a glance to where it came from, I noticed that there were some guys surrounding a girl with a black hair.

...What in the pedophilia shit is going on?

"Little girl, why don't we go somewhere else?" one of the guys spoke. He was grinning with a disgusting expression.

Ah... Should I kill them? It will cause my mother some problems, but that doesn't matter.

My attention went back to the girl as I felt some sort of familiarity to her.

The girl had a beautiful silky black hair that dripped down until her waist. She had a pale skin, coupled with a pinkish lips and elegant clothing she was wearing.

As she noticed me, her eyes widened in surprise for a second as we both at each other in silent. Her eyes were violet, it was as if I was looking at a beautiful nebulae that it keeps me from turning my attention away.

It was simply divine.

Soon enough, she broke the eye contact. Her attention went back to the guys surrounding her. It was clear to me that she was disinterested, annoyed at those people.

"Hey what's with the silence?"

Yet again, the girl didn't reply. The other guys got annoyed and tried to take her hand, but she dodged it.

While this was happening, my expression remained the same.


"Not again..."