Genosha (Hammer Bay II) Part 22

July 27, 2012

The riots in Hammer Bay began to die down.

Some people wanted to leave the country, which I did not oppose.

Riots also occurred in different parts of the country, so I sent members of my team accompanied by Sentinels to stop them.

I also gathered all the mutants from Hammer Bay in the plaza.

At that meeting I asked them to elect someone to represent them.

To my surprise these idlers chose me.

Wanda and the others just thought it was obvious.

I told them I wasn't a mutant but these guys still chose me.

I decided, with their approval, to form a council with a total of 10 members.

When I asked them to vote for their candidates, they chose everyone who came with me to be part of the council, except for Laura and Riri since they are still too young.

So Emma, Psylocke, Polaris, Wanda, Mystique, Irene, Domino, Pietro and Jessica were not saved and like me they were chosen by the people.

That was during the week after we took over Genosha.

Using the Sentinels, we rebuild the cities of Genosha.

And we improved the administration of Genosha with the help of people with management skills, so little by little Genosha began to calm down.

While I was in charge of solving the problems of Genosha, the news of what happened in Genosha finally became known to the world.

This left people from different countries in shock.

The news was broadcast information about the Genosha civil war.

The information had been manipulated and what was transmitted was the following:

That a man named Alex Wayne had come to Genosha and had manipulated the mutants with trickery to cause a revolt.



"Sir, do you believe what they say on the news about Alex?" Sharon Carter asked Fury

"No, I know that boy well and I know he wouldn't do something like that unless provoked"

"I'll send you with Natasha and Barbara to see him, get ready" Fury told her.

Sharon nods her head in agreement and leaves.

Besides Fury, there were more organizations talking about the same issue.