Age of Ultron Part 29


Seeing these creatures and their blackish bodies, Rogue recalled seeing that same appearance before when she went to visit the X-Men Mansion with Alex.

It was the day they met Illyana Rasputina and met those demons and their leader Belasco.

Who when Alex killed him, his body was covered with a blackish liquid that gave him a very similar appearance to these creatures.

Well, that's what Alex told her about his fight with that demon.

Wanda also felt the same as the aura they released reminded her of the demon who fought Alex in the X-Men's mansion and although she did not see him personally, she felt it with her powers.

The reddish aura on her body released a large amount of energy that killed half of those creatures.

She felt a little weird, and a little annoyed at Alex for not dealing with these enemies earlier.

If Alex heard his wife's thoughts, he would feel depressed since Wanda was being irrational.

After all, he can't enter an artificially created dimension filled with energy as he would end up destroying it.

Est ignores those creatures as they don't pose much of a threat and looks outside the mansion, as there she feels powerful auras approaching and they pose a great threat as she can tell they are almost her level.

The Phoenix notices that too and approaches Est.

"Is something wrong?" Psylocke asked the duo upon noticing her actions.

"Yes, a group of great power is approaching this place and they represent a great threat, we will take care of them" the Phoenix answered without taking her eyes off the distance.

The others were shocked as they knew the power level of the two, and if they say that they are dangerous, it must be true and their expressions darkened because that guy called Kang had prepared well to attack them.

That only made them angrier and if they had Kang in front of them right now, they would surely destroy him.

And at that moment, while destroying those grotesque creatures, they felt a great pressure out of nowhere.

But Est and the Phoenix protected them by freeing them from that pressure.

The upper part of the mansion was destroyed and finally they saw the culprits of that attack.

They were four humanoid beings almost three meters tall.

They ignored the stares from Wanda's group and their eyes went to the twins, who looked at them curiously.

"YoU dId nOT LiE tO Us TrAvElEr, ThEy ArE rEaLlY AlEx WaYnE'S cHiLdReN", one of those beings said, withdrawing it gaze from the twins and looking to it left.

Wanda's group feels strange hearing the way they talk but they also follow that giant's gaze and see three other people.

Two women and one man.

The women are beautiful, but the one that caught the attention of that group is the man as he is wearing an almost futuristic suit.

Wanda's group concludes that this man must be Kang.

"I wouldn't play with that, Supreme Beings, after all it would be disrespectful to you and it's something that would deserve my death" Kang replied with a very humble tone.

The two women next to him look at him with an expression of disgust and Wanda's group gives him a look full of disdain.

But Kang is unfazed and not even embarrassed, he comes from the future and knows how terrifying those children would be, and how helpless he was when all his plans to destroy them failed.

"Hmph, YoU CoMmOnEr, YoU SeEm To KnOw YoUr PoSiTiOn WeLl" the second of those figures said seeing Kang's humble attitude.

"StOp WaStiNg TiMe AnD KiLl ThOsE ChiLdRen, I CaN't WaIt To SeE ThAt BaStArD's ExPrEsSiOn WhEn He SeEs ThE DeaD BOdIeS Of HiS FAmIlY" the third figure said impatiently.

"YoU'rE rIgHt, ThEsE bOdIeS aRe ReAlLy AmAzInG aS ThEy HoLd Up OuR pOwEr WeLl AnD It WiLl bE EaSy To TaKe cArE Of ThEsE AnTs. YoU'vE dOnE A gOoD JoB, TrAvElEr" the last figure said with satisfaction.

"I'm glad you like it, deities" Kang replied calmly.

Before they could continue their arrogant conversation, a small figure appeared at the side of one of the giants and punched him in the face with its small hand.

The giant showed a sneer at the girl who attacked him and raised his hand to block the attack, but under his surprised gaze he was unable to stop it and was sent flying and impacting the surface of that dimension, producing a thunderous sound.

The culprit of that attack was Est.

The other three giants were shocked, they were Elder Gods of great power and they couldn't believe that a girl could bring down one of them.

But as they fixed their gaze on the girl, they realized that she was not normal.

Before those three giants did anything, a powerful psychic flare swooped down on them, startling and overwhelming them that they were forced to protect themselves.

Kang and the two beautiful women are shocked by what is happening in front of them.

"What is happening? This shouldn't be happening, why is the Phoenix here, shouldn't she have returned home after Alex defeated her when she was in Jean Grey's body?" Kang muttered furiously and confused.

The two women who heard his murmur scoffed at that guy.

Is that man so pathetic that he never thought that this universe could be different from his?

What the two women did not know was that before Kang came to this timeline, he had been monitoring its beginnings and according to his calculations, this reality would not change and would resemble his own.

But he didn't know that Alex Wayne's children had come from the future.

And of course, they did it secretly and blocked his monitoring, so he didn't know about it.

And because he was so confident, he didn't check it a second time before coming to this reality.

Now, that was why he was paying the price for his arrogance and fear.