"Hello Mr. wicked this is my LIFE it's not one of your royal shows"

She yelled trying to sound a little bit calm, his smile got larger.

"I was just trying to have fun with you"

He said while holding himself from going farther, she gave him the cold shoulder.

"This is not fair"

She muttered, hitting his chest, she slowly looked at his eyes which were calling for her to join him in his dreams. He lifted her heading to the bedroom, the only place that she hated being in with him.

"By the way you are beautiful tonight"

Her red cheek glowed, this was not the first time someone called her beautiful but the way this man uttered the words, made her in top pleasure.

She dozed at him, not completely feeling with her body, she was sinking deep within his magical touch, to the point that he did not let her get use of him, he was in a hurry to mark her.

She awoke by his words, she was left bare as she born "Oliva you don't have to resist me" he hugged, she pulled him aside, he grabbed her hands and pushed her back, she moaned as they had a passionate kiss.

"I can't bear more..."

She mouthed slowly all her power faded, he caressed her neck, her rosy tattoo made him nosiness.

"What is the story behind this tattoo?"

He asked pressing her lower part, she closed her eyes and rolled them, she hissed: "I have been born with it" her voice was full with ecstasy, she reached her limits.

"That tattoo got some magical aura from special sort"

Kide thought as he covered her, he brought his locks back, watching his sleepy adorable wife.

"You are full of surprise Oliva"

He said walking to the sitting room, it was two hours before dusk, Helleen was waiting for him. She bowed as he entered.


She whispered in respect, he sat on the chair and poured some orange juice, he gave her the permission to speak.

"I did not get closer to King Edward, he was well protected"

Kiderak nerves were about to explore, she continued saying:"But his wife the first one I can debauch her"

Kiderak shook his head as if her suggestion did not please him.

He whistled and pointed to Helleen to stay a side.

"Erfan the great devil from the hell"

Kiderak stated, Helleen was trembling just to hear Eftan name, Every devil in the underworld knew him.

"Your orders young master"

A tall man with a fine looking suit appeared in front of Helleen who wished to be swallowed, Kiderak approached Eftan and hissed some words on his ears.

Eftan left the room immediately, Kiderak glanced at Helleen who was trying to stand straight. He smiled and taped over her head.

"You can still watch Edward be careful not be an obstacle to Efran, don't forget you real mission Helleen"

Helleen bowed with tearing eyes, Kiderak was not the one who gave another chance from nothing, she thought he was actually planning for a big shot.

Helleen left the room, Kiderak was watching the sunrise, "Who are you talking with?"

Oliva asked as she walked towards him with half an open eye. He turned to her and said: "To Helleen my devil"

She mimicked him and ignored what he was saying, for there was no one ever saw or spoke to the devils since two hundred years ago, she walked to the kitchen.

He followed her and sat himself on the table, she put her hair up

"What do you want for breakfast? "

She glanced at him, he was staring at her, she rolled her eyes.

"I want you" She threw a knight by his hands, he grinned then said: " I'm not kidding, I don't mind anything from you"

He thought she didn't know how to cook, an hour of him gazing at her, till she laid the table with many delicious foods.

It was over fifteen plates of different sorts, he did not believe his eyes, he took pieces from each plate.

"Dammit this is the most tasteful meal I ever have"

She smiled at his glady face, he was relaxed and calm, she did not see this side of him before, so she enjoyed the moment.

Only twenty minutes passed and all the plates were empty, she was a little bit surprised by him helping her clean the dishes. She doubted if he was a real prince.

"The western traders are waiting sir"

The knight stated as he opened the door for Raphtan.

"Prince Raphtan this is not acceptable, why would we have to pay that amount of money?"

Raphtan was in silence hearing the complaining of the traders entrance taxation to his city.

"I offered you a safety way to the other kingdom's city, you have to be little thankful and pay whatever you asked to pay"

Raphtan spoke with his tough tune.

Not too often for him to get mad with some silly problems like this, "I want to see her" he bit his lower lips and gazed at the Iko flowers.

"I see you're busy with something else rather than the bargains"

Mr. Lucas stated while sitting himself, Raphtan watched him from toes till head.

"Why are you here?

I don't think that we have a meeting"

Raphtan said angrily that this man was a troublemaker.

Mr. Lucas adjusted his seat and said: "I'm here for something more important"

The evil look on his face was enough for Raphtan to believe him, so he sat and listened to him.

"The Kuns are going to attract the north part of the magic world"

Mr. Lucas stated with a dirty smile, Raphtan raised his eyebrow.

"To be more specific, they will attack Rayland, which is under the great magical academy's rule."

Raphtan's eyes shined, this city was under his control before the magical academy took over it.

"At what time?"

He asked as he was imagining the whole city burning in fire.

Mr. Lucas smiled and added: "At any time you give them the permission to get in sir, you have the validity of transit holy gates."