"Get your ass out of my palace before I shutter you to pieces"

Raphtan thundered he was boiling, betrayaling his own people was the last thing he could imagine, although some of them hurted him but never fixed the wrong with another worse wrong.

Mr. Lucas grabbed himself and hurried out of this city, Raphtan sat on the chair, his head was back, with shut eyes, he wanted to calm down but it seem to be tough to relax.

He set out to where he could find his peace, to where all of the problems looked small and silly. He reached the LG inn, well he was a human before being a prince.

"Sir Raphtan, the double order or the..." The bartender noticed his madness, so he poured him the best special rare wine they had.

He drank the whole battle then moved to have his hair cut, he was still in his mind.

"So what's the matter Sir?"

The shaver asked as he cut the sides of his long silky hair.

"They think that I am a despicable and evil person who only sells his country to achieve his personal pleasures."

He pulled the trapped air out of his lungs, he gazed at his reflection on the mirror.

"Hhm... "

The shaver raised his right eyebrow and put the scissors slowly down, Raphtan turned to face him. He was waiting for him to speak but as usual he said nothing, then Raphtan carried on:

"I'm not actually mad because of this really but..."

Before he uttered the rest of his words the shaver completed his saying: "Its because of a woman"

Raphtan eyes went large, he shocked his head with that yellow smile and the far gazed towards the floor, the shaver hissed: "A love from one side"

These were the words Raphtan escaped from, he did not want to confessed with anything might hurt his ego, for him the female should fell in his love first and let the choice for him to accept those emotions or just rejected them as always.

"Dammit you caught me"

He whispered with a sorrow looked, made the shaver more curious about that woman, as he Knew Raphtan since he opened his place ten years ago, he did not complain about how the people see him or what they wanted from him. That suprised him seeing this young man broken.

"Why can't you date her, marry her?"

He saw that glow in Raphtan eyes, as if this was something he eager to but there was un completed parts in his panel.

"She's a married woman, I'm a garbage right?"

He sniffed the breathe slowly to say: "She is my friend wife, the worse part I get rejected"

The shaver sat near him, he glanced at his stormy appearance, then he spoke:

"This is a mess Sir Raphtan"

Raphtan shocked his head in silence, that one bottle was not enough to float his mind. So he dragged his feet back to the inn.

He thought he had to put Mr. Lucas behind the bars, he turned to the palace, he did not consider himself as a prince with that high position and wealth, he was always in peace with the idea of' He belongs to his people and his people belong to him, their pain is his' so he treated everything according to that.

He used to roam downcity without his knights,Raphtan had not much physical power,but his mind was enough to defeat whatever enemy he faced. He was very popular around the poor class and those who had no one to turned to.

"Oliva you have to focus, this man is dangerous"

She walked in and out of her room to the sitting room and back again. Her red cheeks shined every time she called by his name or even remind his touchs.

"Hell not, this is not working"

She bit her nails as she but her hands on her waist she was over thinking about herself.

"You just like having some warm nights with him, neither more nor less"

That was her logical expression to herself from what she was feeling about him couple of days.

She had a fever but she was not ill, Jian handed her some cold thandkerchief, she told her to leave before Kide came back and found her.

Oliva was the one who asked for Jian, she was in need of someone who would listin to her.

"Madam It's been two hours and you did not tell me anything, are you alright?"

Jian asked before she leave, but Oliva hurried her to go and she promised to tell her about everything later.

In fact Kiderak had ordered all of the servants to take a short vacation, Oliva thought he might be angry seeing Jian around without his permission.

Oliva watched Jian leaving the house, she relaxed at the chair, pushed her hair back she might over reacted, she had the dinner ready, she waited for him.

An hour then two passed, he did not appear, she got worried but soon she kicked those thoughts out, telling herself to not giving him more than he deserve.

This man was a bad guy thus she loved handsome bad guys, she made herself busy with reading some books.

She feared he got harm, or stock in a fight since his body was free of scars and any trace of the old wounds. She felt him weak in dealing with such conflicts. She did not deny he had a strong magical power but if they were on a battle he would lose in front of her.

So she allowed herself to be worried about him, she watched the clock over the wall, she did not afraid from staying alone, this was what she tried to confessed herself with.

She heard the crack of the front door, she activated her magical aure, walking on her tip toes till she approached.

He could die because of her sudden attack if he did not avoid it at the right moment.

"Sweetie calm down this is me?"

Kiderak voice raised, he lit the lights, her tears were about to fall, she gave him that careless expression, she was angry from his lateness.

"Y_You did not know how I was so worrie.." She shut her mouth and turned to the other side with her arms crossed, that gentle smile upon his face as he knew that she would completely fall for him in a short time, so he could carry on his plans.

"Did I make you worried about me?"

He asked while he absolutely knew her answer would be 'yes' she rolled her eyes trying to look strong.

"The dinner is ready"

Her cold face bleed his heart, he embrace her before she leave with that angry mood.

"I have had come earlier, accept my apology, please"

His tune was soft that she was soon melting under its effect.

"Forgiveness is for those who don't belong to me to those strangers that I don't care if they hurt me or not, but you..." She stared he noticed her weak pushed to keep him away, he interrupted her saying: "I promise this won't happen again"

She was the first one who made him give a promise to, he was pissed off by her sadness. He oath not to let anyone upset her even him.