So You Have Chosen Death?

"I wanna hug Kevin again..."

Alexander mumbled to himself then suddenly sat up with a worried face and his eyes widen completely.


He quickly shake his head in no and slapped his face using both hands to get his mind to work straight again.

"No no no. I am not a pedo. I just think of him as my little brother and nothing more for sure."

He nodded and what he said was completely true. Due to his exhausted mind, he was thinking these random things and it doesn't mean anything.

"Wait... now that I wonder Kevin is likely 4 or 5 years old right? but the nuclear weapon mess started around 6 or 5 years ago according to the system... then how was he able to be born in such a rough time?"

He talked to himself as a habit again. He still was not aware of the fact he had a habit of talking to himself due to being alone for so long.

"Wait no... the nuclear bomb started to drop first at only someplace. My place was one of the first places to get bombed... not every place was bombed quickly..."

He sighed and cracked his finger before speaking again.

"Now that I wonder... why was everyone looking at me so much? I mean it's not only in the inn but everywhere I go... I show I am like rich as fuck here in the inn but outside no one knew that so why..."

He laid down on the bed again and hugged the pillows tightly closing his eyes sighing and trying to fall asleep since he was too tired now.

He just laid down there for nearly five minutes by now but he couldn't fall asleep so he just sighed and opened his eyes now getting off the bed.

"I can't sleep at all."

He stretched his arms and legs before walking out of the room.

"A night stroll wouldn't be that bad right...?"

He couldn't fall asleep because his body adapt to a different sleeping pattern. Since there has always been night for him due to the sun being hidden behind the poisonous clouds formed by nuclear radiation he sleeps randomly and so his body adapted to that "random" times as its resting time.

As he walked down the stairs and through the main dining area he was about to leave through the main door but he suddenly stopped when he heard a noise coming from the inside of the kitchen.

The noise was surely not that loud but his senses were too high so curiously he decided to peek inside. He just wanted some drama to time pass.

He walked towards the door and slowly opened it to peek inside the kitchen while grinning softly.


His eyes widened at what he saw inside.

He saw Kevin getting slapped by a man hard on the face and so hard that Kevin was actually thrown to the ground.

"You thrash! how dare you give points away to a random person!?"

The man was thin with black hair and had green eyes. He was an average-looking man and had fair skin too. He looked a little similar to Kevin but not completely like him.

As the man raised his hand to hit Kevin again suddenly a woman grab her hand trying to stop him "Stop dear! he is your nephew! and he also brings us most customers here!"

She really does not care much about Kevin but what she cares about is that due to his kind heart and cute face he attract too many customers here.

The man calmed down and sighed "Fine... but if this little brat I will throw him out of our family."

Kevin just stayed on the ground looking down without saying anything almost as if he was just used to this by now.

But... Alexander who was seeing everything without knowing it himself suddenly released a killing intent.

{[Achievement Unlocked]}

[You have just unlocked a hidden skill "Murderous Intent". Everyone unlocks it at some point but you are 2nd person to do it in this world!

Difficulty To Obtain: C- (In Your Case Difficulty Increased To B+)


Murderous Intent (Hidden Skill)]

He didn't care about this notification and kept giving that " Murderous Intent" still not aware of it.

Everyone in the room suddenly felt like they were being watched by a beast from the shadows which created a sudden pressure there.

Everyone including Kevin started to gasp for air as they were now on the ground suffocating.

As he saw Kevin in pain he calmed down and stopped glaring "Disappear." He said and made the window disappear before he get inside the room and just picked up Kevin.

"I am sorry Kevin... I didn't mean to..."

Kevin suddenly hugged him tightly wrapping his arms around his neck crying and slowly falling asleep.

Kevin was holding back a lot and due to a sudden affection from him, he couldn't help but just cry as much as he could until he just fall asleep.

"You thrash..."

He said looking at the couples who now were able to breathe again but they still were breathing heavily due to the past effect.

"S-sir why are you doing this to us?"

The man asked him as he saw him start to walk away from there and leave the room.

Before he walked out he turned around to face him "You still dare to ask that? you shameless people... if I was not a nice guy I would have burned everything here."

"Sir... you might be a strong person with a high rank assigned to you by the system but you can't harass civilians like this! this place is strictly ruled under the command of Lord Noah!"

"A high rank- what?" He suddenly realized why people whispered and look at him so much. That's because of these clothes.

According to the knowledge he gained from the system, it is said there that the system will give clothes to the person according to his capabilities and the clothes will show his or her rank.

He clearly did not understand what it meant earlier but now he gets it. These clothes mean he is like a noble ranking man here.

"Well- I dont care about it. I will just beat up anyone who comes in my way."

A sudden smug appeared on his face as he left the room and walked out of the room directly to his room because he have no other place to stay.

"Dear... should we directly report him to Lord? he told us he will do us one favor because we fed him once... he is very generous."

At the words of the woman, the man just grinned slowly getting up "I really wanted to use that favor to keep us safe but I can't deal with this humiliation... I will go and report this person to him saying he kidnapped our nephew. Let's see if he is still arrogant when he saw the power of lord!"