
Visiting Emily

It was an awkward moment because she and mum had a score to settle. They argued a lot. Mostly about Ryan. Mum had called a disrespectful slut because she did not tell her about Ryan for so many years.

I thought calling her a slut was a bit overboard but it was none of my business, really.

Blue had a thing or two to say to mum. Words which make me shiver whenever I remember them. They were unprintable and unsayable words.

The second time she visited, Ryan was with her. He was not as gentle as he seemed when Alicia and I first saw him. He had so many questions to ask everyone. The questions were very weird to me. 

He was a cheerful child. Blue and mum were not exactly on talking terms on her second visit but mum did not let her go without making her promise that we were all allowed to visit Ryan whenever we wanted.