A city in ruins...

It's all ruins. RUINS! Devastation at its finest. When does it end? As all of these thoughts were emerging from the deep depths of my own mind, I heard...

- Hey, German! Do you have any idea how we are going to move through the city alive? I mean you are german after all so why not lead us? C'mon! Said Zam.

- Zam! Don't be so up close. He is german but it doesn't mean he knows everything, I said.

- No. You are right, boss. He is after all a human being. Braindead that is.

- Schließ den mund! Scließ!

- Aight'. Calm down, Germany.

We started to move towards the inner circle of the city. We found a clean house, the house has been touched by the outbreak or the bombs.

- Wow! Look, German! There's a clean house, Zam said.

- Ja Ja, said Heinrich.

- C'mon, guys. We aren't supposed to fight like this. We are supposed to survive! Said Paweł.

- I'm with Paweł, guys! He is very right... Heinrich said

- Me too, I said. Move!

We took a little step inside. We were immediately appalled by the rotten stench that was surrounding the house like bees around a beehive. It was so smelly, some of us didn't walk in any further.

Some being Movitz, Zam and Paweł. That left me and Heinrich going in and checking the place out. There were two dirty cloths on the floor. Even though they smelled like one year old rotten cheese, we still picked it up and placed it on our mouths. We were almost puking out our entrails and hearts. So rotten. We walked upstairs, checking out the rooms as move towards the bedroom.

We weren't any close to unsuprised at what we were going to witness next.

- Ugh. Damn it, Viking. Where is a nice home when you need it?

- I don't know, I said as we looked at the bed.

- Woah! I wasn't prepared. What a sight! Said Heinrich.

- You're right. They must've had sex before the mortems came. At least they rest among the dead now, probably not resting good.

- Let's move downstairs again. I thought I saw a kitchen...

- Aight'. Roger that! I said.

We went downstairs. We found the kitchen. It was in perfect shape. As I said before the house was clean and whole. It isn't runned down like the other ones.

- Let's cook some food.

- Yeah. I'll turn on the stove.

It took two minutes to heat up the stove. We put some raw meat on the pan. It is kinda magical how the fridge still works after all that has happened in this ruined city.

We found an air freshener on the floor in the bedroom earlier. We sprayed some in the kitchen and in the other rooms aswell. Now it didn't stink so much. I motioned the others to come in. They luckily did, because nightfall was coming and we knew we would die if we didn't come in and eat! We ate much, Movitz wasn't hungry though so I ate his food and gave him a can of meat to eat later on.

We barricaded and sealed the windows and the doors. We checked over and over again after mistakes but we succeded to seal all the windows and doors alike.

It took some time to get used to the new home. It was after all a clean and whole home in the middle of nowhere and the ruined houses were many surrounding the house itself.

When the night fell, I and Heinrich was on the guard, because we are insomniacs so it makes a good combo to let the others sleep. The other's slept like dead flies. They didn't make one single sounds. This was a good night, no sound, complete silence and we have the advantage until I knew what was going to happened next... In the dead of night, the dead rose from the ground and emerged from the ruined houses. We could hear how they scratched and gnawed on the wood. We could also hear the flesh they were gnawing on. It was horrible. The flesh were probably rotten and a part of past families.

- Yuck! They are going to take this house and tear us apart, Viking! We need to wake the others up!

- No...

- What the hell is going on?! said Zam.

- Nothing! We got it all under control. We haven't been overthrown yet! They are outside...

- Great! Mortems outside! Fuck you all! Said Movitz.

- Go up and take the guns! I said.

- Do we even have bullets left, you crazed bitch? Said Paweł.

- Call me that again and it'll cost you dearly, Paweł!

- Alright, calm down, boss!

- Get the guns already!!!

Paweł went up as fast as lightning, no time flew. He got the guns and got down again and returned them to us.

- Brothers! It's time to fight!

As we said that, the zombies swarmed all over. I almost got eaten alive.

- Phew! That was utterly close!

- There is one on your left! Said Paweł.

As he said that, the window left to the door was broken and "unlocked". I shot the mortem in the eyes for good luck and shot his brains out.

- Move! Move! Move! Upstairs! I said.

- Aaaaight'!!!!! Said the others as we stressed and ran upstairs as wild boars on the hunt for some fresh meat. We found the bedroom again and went in very fast.

- Close the damn door! I said.

- Yessir! Said Paweł and did as I demanded.

Time passed us by like flies. We could hear the mortems going upstairs in fast movements. With a gun Paweł shot carefully a hole in the door for us to peek in. I started peeking first.

- A mortems on the way, they heard us! Move into positions and brace yourself. As I said that, I tossed an ammo pouch to Paweł

- Lock and load, folks! It's about to get exceptionally messy!

We ravaged through their massive horde. They didn't stand a chance! We had the upper hand.

- We are going to be overrunned if we stay long enough, guys! Wir sollen bald gehen! Said Heinrich.

- Yeah, yeah, German! Like you are the smart, brave and leader-ish one!

- Schließ, schwein!

Zam pushed the german with a gentle push, not to knock him to the floor but simply as an insult back.

We eradicated and annihilated them. We ran downstairs. The house wasn't whole anymore. It was bloody and messy...