To elsewhere!

We left the house one day after the attack. We didn't have any use of it anymore as it was not stable enough for all of us to live in. It was as the German would put it "Gefährlich!". For those of you who aren't german, it means dangerous.

Berlin is a big city, so it took a day to get through it all because we also needed rest. We rested in a house that was sort of unstable but also stable enough to hold us at bay, meaning we were safe from the dead.

- How long before we will die? I am tired as fuck and I haven't had my mornin' cup of coffee. It's hard being me, said Paweł with a worrying but sad and lost tone.

- Uh-oh, Paweł is a bit kranky. Woh-hoo! Shut it, man! Said Heinrich.

- Haha. German knows some humor I see! Said Zam.

- That's... eh... forget it! We shall make us at home here! Ready the stove and barricade the gaps and the two doors! I said.

As we ate and kept our guard, nightfall arose and we were getting ready to go to bed. This time, Zam and Paweł was guarding the front door, not us.

- Good-fucking-night, guys!

- Goodnight, you braindead fellah! Haha! Heinrich uttered and laughed.

As the night carried on, we got a visit from a bandit. He got in using stealth tactics. We didn't even notice. I mean, Zam and Paweł are the two sharpest of hearing and fighting in our group. Movitz is also good at fighting but has damn near no good listening skills, only when it suits him.

- Get on the damn floor, you punks! Said the bandit in a serious yet nervous tone.

- Haha! We? Said Paweł.

- Yeah! you, sissy boy!

- How dare you? I actually got a pack of cigarettes here! You see this? It's man stuff!

- Hehe, whatever, you punks! Down... NOW!

Paweł went on and follow the demanding bandit. Zam was pushed to the ground by the bandit. I heard the incident. I slowly got up and rushed to get my shotgun. I whispered in Heinrichs ear...

- Wake up, German!

- Uuuh.... Zzzzzz..... Uuuh what?

- Shut it or keep quiet. We got a bandit on our hands!

- Jawohl. I will get mein handgun. Should we wake Movitz up? Heinrich whispered.

- No! I whispered.

As we went down, we stealthfully and slowly walked, making it impossible to spot or hear us in advance.

- Now, you two are going to go to the kitchen and be there til' I...

- Not so fast, bandito! I said.

- Whaaa....t? Said the bandit.

- Yeah! Get the hell off of our property! It's off limits and you are not welcome here no more. Your stay has been ceased, bandito.

- It has ended? When and why? I have only begun my mission to take what's mine. You four punks are no match for the power of the sword! The bandit said as he pulled a katana from his ass.

- Hajaaa! The bandit said as he lunched towards me.

It ended quickly as I was fast enough to overpower his attack and free his hand of any weapons. I took the katana and made him surrender. He wasn't happy to see us overthrow his power. He is now powerless!

- Now... What do you say? Shall I get you a hot coffee while we have a talk, Young man? I said. The kid was only 18. The kid said his name was Ash, last name Lee. He was of asian descent. He came to Norway back in 2018. He later took a trip to Germany in 2020. He has stayed here ever since.

- I am so sorry I attacked. I am so lost ever since I lost my maternal grandma, she was the only caretaker I had! He said as he took his time to cry.

- It's fine! I understand your pain, I said.

- Well, aside from that, you are one hot guy, said Heinrich.

- Stop that, German. Don't germanize him!

- Was? Nein. He'll only get good german schteel in return.

- Well, we should probably end this whole meeting and ready ourselves to nightfall. It's only a matter of time til' they attack this place.

- Jawohl, we should prepare and Zam... could you make me some coffee too? Said Heinrich with a puppy look on his face.

- Gaaaaarghhh, ok! I'll get you some but only if you don't talk in like... 5 hours....

- Alright, said Heinrich.

The night fell upon us like lightning. It was fast and we weren't that prepared but we survived. After that night, we prepared ourselves to march again.

This time we got a new family member, Ash Lee. He also said he was trained in combat. He knew lots of Combat tactics and was generally interested in history as well as I was. We walked carefully through a neighborhood, we spotted some mortems along the way, nothing out of the ordinary really. We got attacked twice this day. One attack consisting of a huge horde of mortems. The other one consisting of a fat zombie. That second attack was easy as hell, even Ash laughed it off as an easy one.

We plundered a few houses along the way. Those few houses was ruined and not stable. Not so weird, seeing as this is a damn Apocalypse.

This journey took a toll on us. We had to settle in a house of our choosing. Well, it was two houses. We went for the less stinky one. Unsual that the other house stank but ours didn't.

We were pretty surprised when we came in because this house was already plundered. Movitz went upstairs. We heard his scream, it was almost like the horror movies. We rushed upstairs and what we sawed, sent a chill down our spines. Movitz was held hostage by another bandit. Now... This encounter was unordinary, the perpetrator was holding onto an axe that was soaked in mortem blood.

- Don't take another step or he gets it! The bandit said.

- Alright. We will stand here. What are your wishes? I said.

- Give me your guns! Give me them slowly!

- Viking! We can't give him our essentials, that would be damn near suicide! Said Zam.

- Calm down, everyone! I reckon this doing is essential to our success in survival. Give him your weapons, lads!

As I said that, Movitz, Paweł, Ash, Zam and Heinrich gave away their weapons but... I still had my trusty ol' knife in my left back pocket. I was just waiting til' the moment would arrive.

- Good job, you assholes!

- Woah, no need to adress us that way! Manners, bandito! Zam said.

- Hahah! Manners? My manners are long gone, buddy. They died when my family died.

- Well, Let's just settle this, alright? You have our guns. What say you just drop our friend here and run away?

- Hahah! He laughed as he pushed our friend away and packed our guns into his big 75 liter duffle bag. A big bag for sure. It could fit a normal sized baby if there was any need for it.

- Aaaaaargh! I said as I charged with my knife towards his chest

- No! The bandit said.

- Have it at him, Viking! Heinrich said.

- Uuughh, you will not get away with thi....s! Oh god I am loosing a lot of blood.

I took the bag and we left shortly after.

- Don't... Guuuh... leave me here... *Coughs* My blood is getting colder... please! Help me! Someone!

- No... It's time for your... demise! I said as I slammed the door in front of him.