Chapter seven

It was morning, and I had to get ready for work. I could already hear carter hustling around the room getting ready.

I used ice to numb my face, and make my face look livelier than it feels right now.

I applied make-up the same way devlin does hers, did my hair the same as hers. I wore my outfit and I looked good, especially with the plunging neckline. It wasn't that bad, it just exposed a little bit of my cleavage. I felt uncomfortable, but this is what devlin wears to work so it can't be that bad.

I wore my shoes, well her shoes but they are mine now. I carried her black purse I saw hanging in her closet. I opened it and in there was cash, three bundles of cash, and a gun.

I held in a gasp, dropping the bag in shock at the contents of the bag, what exactly was my sister up to? A gun in her bag?

Isn't she supposed to be a trophy wife to a rich billionaire?

I carefully picked up the bag, peeking through the contents. There was a lot of money like half a million dollars. This could come in handy.

I made sure the safety of the gun was off, and I took out some of the cash. I kept some of them in a drawer, locking it to make sure it was safe. If I have a gun and money, nothing could threaten me.

I was checking my lipstick when I heard a knock on my door.

"come on, we are going to be late for work," he said.

"I am almost done, come on in" I invited him in,

He opened my door, standing on the edge. I almost drooled, is this what he looked like in a suit? My sister had all these to herself and she was cheating with Henry? What a shame.

"Don't you look sexy going in to work?" I teased him, he smirked at me. Raising his brows at my outfit.

"You like my suit?" I asked him, he stared at me intensively, raking his eyes up and down my body. I felt the heat from his stare making me shift on the spot.

"Yes, you look very beautiful" he compliments.

"I know, right?" I twirled, loving the way he smiled at my actions.

Maybe this wasn't so bad after all,

"Are we carpooling or taking different cars?" He asked,

"Different cars, I have errands to run today. But I will be back to make dinner. Sounds good?" I asked,

"Are you sure you are alright? You never cook dinner" he admits,

"Well, I have had some sense knocked into me." I walked seductively to him, "how about I cook dinner for my handsome husband when I get back, hmm" I told him.

He stared at me, my lips especially. "Well, that would be nice," he said hugging me to him.

I hear his sharp intake of breath, he was affected just like I was. He smelt nice, I inhaled his perfume, closing my eyes as the musky scent soothed my nose.

"Ready to go?" He asks as he pulled away making me miss his warmth.

I nodded in approval, "yes, I am ready" we locked up the house, heading to our respective cars. Mine was the white one. I assumed as he entered the black. I waited for him to drive out before I followed him, because I had no idea where the company was and I didn't want to make it obvious.

I chanted my mantra in the car. It calmed me down. I followed him carefully, making sure I don't over take him and end up going in the wrong direction.

On getting to the company, seeing Grandstein Empire written on the building brought a jolt to my house. This was my life now, and I was going to make it count. I stepped out of the car, pleased to see him waiting for me by the elevators.

We were going to the same office together, in the elevator, I couldn't help but look at him well. He was built in a muscular way, he must work out often. He had no idea the kind of sexual appeal he gives off to women. I had to glare at three women on the way to the elevator and I wasn't doing it on purpose.

"You meeting with the investors today?" He asks,

I stared at him, clueless. I was so not expecting that question.

"Yes I am, as soon as I have my damn coffee. I should be good" I assured him, he nodded his head. Checking his watch, we were an hour early.

Maybe to catch up on work and other things, we needed to do. I am definitely using mine to get familiar with the office and the files in it. I didn't want to look stupid when asked another question again.

"See you later baby," he said. Leaning in to give me a kiss on the cheek. Having misread his intentions, I gave him my lips.

We both stood shocked at the action, he withdrew immediately, giving me a smile and walking to his office.

I stood there, not because I was shocked but because I was searching for my office with my eyes and trying not to look suspicious.

"Okay, you can do this" I said to myself, as soon as I spotted the office door with my name on it.

I went in, making myself comfortable on the chair. I searched through the files on the table looking for the one with the investors. I read it, confused on what I am supposed to do with them. What am I convincing them to invest on?

My assistant wasn't in yet, judging by the empty office outside of mine. I will engage her in a conversation and make her spill her guts on the project I am handling.

I waited, reading up on old files and I figured out why people loved office jobs. It was so cool. You get to sit in a conditioned office, reading interesting files about numbers and sales all day. I loved it.

It wasn't long before my assistant came in, and I knew it the minute she came in that she was the talking type. No doubt that it pissed devlin off the more. She hated it when people talked with no control.

I engaged her in a conversation and it wasn't long before she spilled everything to me about the project, turns out my hunch was right.

Throughout the day, I was caught up on what they think I have missed, and I was a fast learner. It wasn't long before I erased any doubt that I wasn't devlin. Not like they were doubting me. We both had the same handwriting, so it wasn't like I needed to do much convincing. I wanted to go check on carter but I didn't want to push it. He already looked freaked out about the slip up with my lips earlier. It made me realize that maybe they aren't intimate in their marriage and that was sad. If I had someone like carter, I would have no reason to say no to his sexual advances.

I received a text that made me look at my phone, it was from Henry. Can he give up already?

It read,

Missed you last night,

But of course, I didn't text back. He was desperate. Is this the person I wanted to sign my future with? Thank goodness.

I checked my message and there was none from my supposed boyfriend, maybe he didn't sleep in the house. He was waiting for his lover when it became late to come knocking at the door in the middle of the night to wake his clueless girlfriend up.

I focused on work for the rest of the day, I left early to go home early to make dinner. But I was actually going to henry's house.

I wanted to know if he was worried about me at all.

I got there and his car was there, he was at home? Why?

I found out why when I heard moans coming from his bedroom, the same bedroom we shared. How many times has he brought girls to that bed?

I entered quietly, making sure I didn't hit anything on the way. I got to his bedroom door and opened it.

"Are you fucking kidding me?" I shouted at him, I didn't recognize the girl.

"Babe, it's not what you think?" He starts to say,

But before he could finish, I already knew what was coming next.

"I waited for you last night, I had to relieve myself" he justified.

He wasn't even worried about me, Dermot. He was more worried about devlin seeing as I am dressed like her.

"Where is my sister?" I ask him,

He looks confused, "who?" He asks,

If I felt a tiny percent urge to kill him, right now I was stopping myself from reaching for the gun in that purse.

"You don't know where your girlfriend is, and you are here fucking some bimbo?" I raised my voice,

"She's at work" he answers, giving me the puppy look like I would fall for it.

"She is not there, I checked. I need to talk to her. Where is she?"

"I don't know, call her" he says, looking unbothered.

"Have you even tried to call her?" I ask him.

"No, I don't care" he says.

I nod my head at him, he really was a dick.

I turned around, going back to the car. Ignoring the pleas from him telling me to come back, I had decided on what to do to him. He was going to pay. He has not tried to look for me? And I was worried sick about worrying him in the first place. Twisting my fingers about trying to make him less hurt that Dermot has left him not knowing he was busy screwing other girls at my back, all through our relationship.

I went back to the estate, making sure to prepare dinner and keep some for carter. I went up to my room pacing and talking to myself.

It wasn't long before carter came back, and we had dinner together. He seemed less tense than he was in the morning. We talked about the day and how I finally got the investors to come onboard with the company. It was a great day for the both of us.

I told him the plan to retire early because I was tired and had been on my feet all day, he promises to clear the dishes. I needed to rest my body, it wasn't easy doing the office job like I thought in the morning. It was hectic and I honestly cannot underestimate people who do this twenty four hours each day.

I went upstairs, laying on my bed as I drifted off to sleep. I didn't have nightmares this time.

The door creaked open, the hooded figure gently sneaking in the room. He avoided all contact with the decorations and things being used to lighten the house up. His clothes blending in with the darkness and making him look invisible. He carefully opens the door to the room that held his target

Seeing him sleeping peacefully made him look almost harmless. He carefully took out the gun he was hiding at the back of his pants, placing the silencer on it to avoid attracting the neighbors. He pulls the trigger.

It was a low sound that wouldn't be heard by anyone. The target had a hole in the middle of his forehead.

He carefully snuck off the way he came in, this was an easy job for him. Taking out people that have hurt him is what he loves to do now.

He walked away in the dead night, his boots making it impossible to hear a sound from it.

Henry has been eliminated.