Chapter eight

I woke up in the morning, happy with myself for not having any nightmares. Looks like I am well adjusted to my new life as it should be. The whole thing with Henry didn't bother me like it normally would, I have Carter now, what else could I possibly be looking for?

My initial plan was to be here for a while, it would be easy seeing as we had the same height, and size. Basically everything. But now that I have caught glimpse of her glamorous life, I want to be her forever. Her life was so good and stress-free, except for work but I enjoy that kind of stress

I think Carter was out, he had something important to do and he told me about it last night because I am his wife. That feels so good to say, doesn't it?

I wanted to repeat it over and over again till I get used to it, I was finally Carter's wife. Not, Devlin, Dermot was finally the one married to Carter.

The house was quiet and empty. Just the way I like it, it gives me the chance to familiarize myself with the entire household. I walk around the house, taking a good measure of who she has become, and how she runs it.

The scented candles decorate the bathrooms and hallways. Proof that she loved the nicest things that life had to give, I grabbed a candle, holding it close to my nose. The scent reminded me of when we used to share a room, she loved vanilla and I hated it because she loved it. I was used strawberries which was weird because she hates strawberries. Maybe she was using it to smell like me around henry, who knows the kind of shit they are into?

I touched every piece of furniture, telling myself that I was marking my territory, I was never leaving here and there was nothing I wouldn't do to make sure I never left this life.

It was like a different version of the life I was living. In this one, I have a handsome, rich husband, a good job, a huge mansion, my car, and some sense of security. I didn't have that in my old one, and I wasn't about to let go because of some slip up from me.

After my tour around the house, I went back to her room searching for anything that could give me an incentive, I desperately needed to fit in completely into this life of hers. It was mine now and I needed to protect it by all means necessary.

I didn't need to go into work today, I already told Carter that I wasn't coming in, and it didn't surprise him because Devlin decides when she goes to work too. I needed to search the house, especially that damn office of his. I was bound to find something there.

I headed to his study, it was unlocked. Did he trust his wife so much that he didn't lock his study? Well, good for me.

I searched for any related document in her name, nothing was useful or offered up information that I wanted. His system had a password, and I wasn't sure I would be able to get in easily, and trying one too many passwords might raise an alarm. I checked his drawers trying to find something, anything.


It is a contract binding their marriage, what?

It's not real? It's no wonder that she was sleeping with the whole of New York. They didn't have intimacy between them, it was a sham. And half of his company belonged to her. Well, belongs to me now.

But first, I had to make damn sure that this marriage was real, I can't be faking all of this and not have any fun on the side. I am sure that would piss Devlin off in hell, or wherever she is.

I took a picture of the marriage contract, making a mental note to study it later. Placing it back in its original position, I hurried out of there. Leaving the door exactly as I saw it.

I stayed in my room the rest of the day, replying to comments on my Instagram page and playing dress-up. I counted the money I saw in the bag, it was more than what I assumed before. I was going to pay that money into my account, just in case.

No, that would leave a digital trace and we were supposed to be estranged. That would raise suspicions and I didn't want that right now. I placed the money in one of her shoe boxes, keeping it deeper inside the closet.

I had one million dollars to my name that is an amount I never thought I would lay my hands on. I was a freaking billionaire, and I couldn't be happier.

I could go shopping, and buy things for myself but I just didn't want to. I had a rich husband who would do anything for me, it says so in the contract.

I couldn't wait for henry to suck it, he would be begging to come back to me and not his mistress. By then, Carter would be all mine in a real marriage.

I checked her pictures, her videos, music, and everything just to be familiar with her lifestyle. She always had terrible taste in music, but I didn't have to play it all the time, just when I want to cook or clean up the kitchen. The Devlin I know wouldn't clean anything up, but the clean freak in me wouldn't allow that. I just couldn't let it go with dirty dishes.

I loved everywhere to be clean, and tidy. It would make staying here bearable for me. Luckily, I noticed Carter is a clean guy, it would make living with him much easier.

I stayed home the rest of the day sleeping or going through my phone. To others, I might be doing nothing, but I was reading the contract on my phone. There were a lot of things that were strange to me.

Like, carter, for example, is answering Dumont in the contract, and my sister has the name Grandstein. This was strange because she was supposed to take the name after they got married, which would mean that she married carter.


This was not what I expected, I didn't know what to do with this information, it says in the contract that Carter was to act as CEO till they divorced and everything goes to her, well, not everything because Carter takes half of everything. If you ask me, I think Carter is a well-staged businessman. I needed to look into him.

While I am cozying up to him, I needed to get information that would serve me well in the long run. There was something more to this perfect life, and I was going to uncover it one by one.

Even if it is the last I do while I am on this mission,

Number one is to seduce Carter, and number two is to figure out what the hell is going on. Then, number three is to get the hell out of the country before they discover that I impersonated her, or even worse killed her.

I just couldn't ask Carter a bunch of questions that would arouse suspicions from him, I needed him to ease into it with just a slight chance of cluelessness. It would make things look like I am incompetent, and that is enough to get me the answers I want.