Chapter nine

To start my mission, I prepared dinner and I made sure he saw me prepare dinner. He came home to me wearing a dinner dress with an apron on, dancing to the crap music devlin listens to.

"Hey, what are you doing?" he asks in surprise.

"Making dinner, I told you I was going to cook" I reminded him, smiling slightly at him.

"That was yesterday," he said, rolling his eyes at me.

"Was it? I don't remember. Go wash up, and be down for dinner" I ordered him,

"Yes ma'am," he said playfully, going upstairs. I couldn't help staring at his backside.

I smiled, the key is food and to appeal to his playful side. I would have him eating from the back of my palm soon enough.

I went upstairs after setting the dinner table, I needed to touch up my makeup and do make sure I had just enough cleavage to show him. If I was going to do this right, I needed to bring one of my fantasies to life.

I retouched my lipstick and brought down my dress lower to tease him a bit. I walked downstairs hoping he was already there, my grand entrance would be wasted if he wasn't already sited waiting for me.

He is sitting on one of the chairs. It dominates one corner, the gleaming marble, and chrome bouncing light from a hundred small orbs hanging from the ceiling. The restaurant is a fantastical mix of modern furniture against a backdrop of exposed brick and the original low ceilings dating to when the building was a warehouse sitting on the water. It smells faintly of the spices I used to make his favorite meal, saffron and cinnamon and turmeric, blended with the scent of steak and garlic and rosemary. It is heady and intoxicating and I pause for a moment to take it all in. I did all this for him.

His hair is the color of a raven, deep and lustrous in the light. He is wearing a plain white shirt, the cotton is a thick, creamy type like expensive writing paper, open at the collar to show a hint of the chest but not enough for me to tell if he waxes or not; the sleeves are rolled up his forearms in studied nonchalance. The shirt is tucked into dark blue jeans, slim-fitting enough to show his frame but not so slim you worry about his testicles. I feel the blush on my face at the thought of his groin.

I come closer, nervous with each step I take. I needed this dinner to go well, it was a step further toward our real relationship.

He smiles as he sees me, unwinding from the chair to stand with the air of someone confident in their skin, he stretched his hands towards me. What a gentleman.

"Something smells good," he says in that deep voice of his.

I nod, not quite trusting myself to speak. Up close he is even better-looking than I expected, the scent of fresh linen and a deep woody cologne emanates from him, making me almost giddy.

I wanted to say something, but I was too tongue-tied to say anything to him. His grey eyes were striking like he was staring into my soul, I felt like he could see everything that I am trying to hide. So I averted my eyes, I didn't want him to know the truth with just one look.

I can feel the warmth of his hand guiding me behind my back without actually making contact. The perfect gentleman.

I took my seat opposite him, regretting it instantly when his eyes found mine almost immediately, I gulped.

"So, how was your day?" I asked, trying to make conversation.

I noticed the strange look he gave me but I ignored it, chanting my mantra in my head.

"It was hectic as usual, how about you? Do any shopping?" he asks,

"No, I did a review on the contract I brought back from work," I said absentmindedly,

I missed the look of surprise on his face when I bent down to take more helpings of salmon. I would think he was surprised that I didn't do any shopping since that's what Devlin would have done on her day off.

"Right," he said skeptically,

I didn't want to correct him, just let him stew on that piece of information for a while.

"This is good" he complimented.

"Thank you, I have been watching a lot of cooking shows," I told him, and he nodded. Going back to eating his food.

I was lost on what to say next, I didn't know enough about him to ask him questions. And I didn't want to ask the wrong questions that would raise the wrong flags from him, I took a deep breath. Reminding myself that my life depended on this little exercise. If he finds out the truth, I will be in jail.

"I wanted to ask, why are we dressed up? This isn't a date" he says,

I laugh nervously, "of course not, this isn't a date. I just wanted us to do something nice for once" I told him,

I was disappointed and I soon realized why I wanted it to be a date. I haven't ever been on a date before not even with henry. And hearing this from him made it seem like I had wasted my time preparing for all this.

"You know what, you are right. I shouldn't have bothered" I tried packing up the dishes, I was embarrassed.

"Devlin" he called out, I ignored him, packing up my dishes, he can clean his later.


"Devlin" he raised his voice higher,

"What?" I asked meekly,

"I didn't mean it that way," he said,

"You don't have to mean it that way, I am full and will head in for the night. I will do the dishes tomorrow" I told him, hiking my skirt up, I headed for the stairs.

"Devlin wait!" he called after me, I stopped but didn't turn around. I didn't want to, I was afraid that he would see me for the fraud that I am.

"Just hold on," he pleaded in that low tone,

I shivered at the sound of his voice, it was a smooth one. I waited for him to say anything but he didn't utter a word. I signed to myself, this was beginning to be a whole new drama for me.

I climbed the stairs, going to my room. It was frustrating to think that even with devlin gone, I still couldn't replace her in a fake marriage. I was heartbroken.

I took off my clothes, desperate to get out of it. Everything reminded me of her, and how I can never measure up to her. I wrapped myself in a robe, I wanted to get rid of the makeup on my face. I looked too much like her, and even then. It wasn't enough to get his attention. It was like he sees through my efforts to make him like me as devlin.


Maybe that's the problem, he wasn't attracted to Devlin, but he was attracted to me. I could feel it in his gaze, his body language. He was attracted to me.

The happiness I felt in that statement was overwhelming for me, I sat on my bed wondering how to make him see the real me without setting him off. I wiped the makeup off my face, feeling a lot lighter.

I never really liked makeup, I was the bare face type, but if I was going to convince people that I am Devlin, then I need to wear makeup. That is more of her thing than mine.

I cleaned off my makeup, heading to the bathroom to take a shower. It was a quick one because I was back in the room in ten minutes. I didn't wash my hair, there was no need to.

I was still in my robe looking for a nightgown when I heard the distinctive sound of a knock on my door. I wanted to ignore it, but that would be rude.

"Come in," I invited him in.

He came in, leaning on the edge of the doorway. He looked so yummy, standing like he owned the damn place, or maybe he did.

"Hey, I just wanted to say I am sorry for earlier, I appreciate you cooking dinner for me," he said,

"It's fine," I told him without meeting his eyes, I didn't want to break easily.

"I know when a lady says they are fine, it means the opposite," he said,

It brought out a laugh in me, I became annoyed for letting myself laugh when I didn't want to. I have to admit, he has charms.

"I just wanted to do something nice for you," I told him, it was technically the truth.

"Thank you, and I will behave from henceforth," he said, crossing his hand over his heart.

He left, shutting the door behind him.

"What if I don't want you to behave?" I asked for my bedroom door.