chapter ten

Dermot's pov

It wasn't easy being devlin, I avoided Carter at all cost, not deliberately but because I thought that he had overheard me through the door. But all I wanted to do was go closer to him and tell him how nice he smells. Of course, he will perceive me as weird but I didn't care.

I have been trying my best to fit into this lifestyle, it's tiring. I don't know how she did it every day of her life but I was at the edge of screaming my head off. I doubted that anybody was suspecting me as I have been good with my acting skills lately.

I pulled off my work well, the obsessive part of me did, I dressed the part and I addressed people politely, I still needed to tone down the kind part of me. They saw Devlin as a bitch, and my kind nature wasn't helping to convince them otherwise.

Am I punishing myself?

Living a life of a murderer?

Lying to myself and people around me?

Is that the kind of life I wanted to live?

I thought about just taking the money I found in the purse to leave but I couldn't get myself to do that. Henry didn't care about me, all he wanted was Devlin but anytime Carter looks at me, it feels like he is seeing the real me.

Like he wants to get to know me better, it made my insides feel funny. I wanted to know him too, not just because I don't want to get caught but because I am attracted to him. My senses go haywire whenever I am close to him.

I don't remember when last I felt that way for anyone, the fire in the relationship I had with Henry got put out a long time ago, we were coexisting and barely tolerating each other. But that doesn't excuse his cheating, especially with my sister.

I shook my head going back to the file I had in front of me, I have been coming to work regularly because I found myself beginning to enjoy working a job that I like, it was so satisfying than my other job.

It turns out that Devlin had a black card that has no limit, imagine my surprise when I found it in her suitcase with more wards of cash, I wondered what she wanted to use that for. I took the money, keeping it with the other one I found, I took her card too, I was going to spoil myself silly, live that glamourous lifestyle that I have always been dreaming about, take trips and shop till I drop.

If only she had friends, I tried scrolling through her Instagram and I found no personal friends of hers, and they all seem to be fake around her. It was sad that this was the only thing we had in common apart from having the same face. I didn't have any friends either and even if I did, I couldn't call them to hang out with me.

I needed to make new friends and socialize enough to get a grip on the new me.

Somehow, I already felt brand new. I was no longer in my sister's shadow, I had a new identity even if it is hers, and it doesn't matter. I am rich now, with an unlimited black card that I can use whenever I want and nobody will question me. I had plenty of cash in a suitcase and a gun for protection, I felt like Julia Roberts in a pretty woman, except, in this case, I am both male and female. I took charge of what I wanted and made it happen.

At work, I was respected and acknowledged for my hard work. That was me, I heard that Devlin didn't do much when she was here, just gossiped and went shopping. I was proud of myself for that change, we are so different after all.

I don't know how carter put up with her all those years of being married, he seemed to barely tolerate her as it seems. It's a wonder he felt confused about his sudden attraction to me. I would be confused too if that ever happened to me.

I see the confusion in his eyes each time and I am almost tempted to tell him the truth but no matter how much I like him, I can't afford to go to prison. It's not that deep.

Some days were hard for me to handle but some days are easier to handle too. I didn't have to act shallow to be recognized as devlin, I only dressed like her but anything apart from that was all me, Dermot. I was slowly creeping into people's hearts. I couldn't stop thinking about it when they told Carter that I was beginning to step into the role of being more active in the company.

They all seemed to accept that I had simply outgrown the stage of running around town, drinking, and shopping till I was tired. I didn't realize how disappointed they were in her till I came and turned things around. Things were moving so much better with me in charge and I couldn't be prouder.

I have no idea what I am doing but all I can say is that it is a new experience for me and I would like to enjoy it a while longer till things start to go wrong. I deserved this good life, good clothes, good shoes, money, and other things I needed in other to live a comfortable lifestyle.

I was going to make use of this opportunity and correct every aspect of my life that needs changing, nobody will miss Devlin when I am done taking over her work, home, life, and husband. She is going to turn over in her grave when she realizes that I won at the very end and there was nothing that she could do about it.