chapter fifteen

Carter's pov

I ate my cheeseburger in my office, smiling at the thought that I don't have to starve tonight. She was thoughtful enough to bring me my dinner but will be embarrassed to hand it to me. That was adorable.

I thought I could let this go but I can't, she is too precious and sweet for me not to explore this side of her. I rounded up my work and went up to my room to take a shower.

I couldn't help but wish that she was in here with me, in my room. She has never been up in my room, and this is the first time I am entering hers.

I wanted her to be by my side, lathering my back while I wash her hair. It was sensual yet endearing for us to do that as a couple. Real couple.

I shook my head, I was getting way over my thoughts about this, and it was just a kiss. I would do well to remember that.

I didn't bother putting anything on, I went straight to bed. My dreams were filled with her face, everywhere I go, and everywhere I turned. I couldn't get her out of my mind no matter how much I tried.


It was bright the next day, having just had a few hours of sleep, I still felt more energetic than tired. I wanted to go check up on her, but I didn't know what to say to her.

Should I go on and apologize for kissing her?

Or should I ignore it and apologize later?

I was battling with myself when I showered, it was not an image of her in my bathroom but her crying. I hated the weird way my heart sounded when I saw that. It went flip-flap.

It has never reacted like that before, it's surprising that the woman I have lived with, whom I was so sure I can never fall for was beginning to look so appealing in my eyes.

I could offer to give her a ride to work, but that would be pushing it. I got dressed as quickly as I could so I could get to work early. I didn't want to be late I was surprised she was going to work. She had some sort of crisis yesterday that made her leave work in the middle of the day and now, she was going back there?


I put my suspicions aside, it didn't have anything to do with me so I would let it go.

I got to the garage to see her car gone, she couldn't wait to get away from me, huh?

I swallowed the sadness threatening to burst out of my chest and got into my car, I needed to sort this thing out and make this marriage less awkward for both of us.

On getting to the company, I went straight to my office making sure that she received my surprise. I ordered a bunch of flowers to apologize for kissing her, and a box of chocolate to lighten her day. I signed a card so she would know that it was me.

I liked the fact that she was so quick to get to the office, it wouldn't ruin my surprise at all. I sat down in my chair, gathering my thoughts together.

What if she doesn't like flowers?

Or she is allergic to them?

Should I have gotten her a diamond necklace instead?

I scratched my head, impressing a woman was hard, I am so used to making women fall for me, that it was difficult to stand all this anticipation from one card with a written apology.

I decided to avoid all distractions and get to work, signing a bunch of reports is bound to make me stop thinking about her reaction to my apology.

Damn it!

I am thinking about it now,

I paced around my office trying to think properly, when I was sure I could think straight again, I went back to sit down and continue my reports.

I was smack in the middle of reading through one when someone came knocking on my door, if my secretary isn't there to announce it then I don't have to get it.

Where is she by the way?

"Come in," I called out to the very persistent person,

"It's me, can I come in?" The voice called out, it sounded female.

"Yes," I told her, I didn't know who she was and it was apparent that she came to see me.

A very familiar face stepped in, I have seen her around the company but I don't know her department.

"Who are you?" I asked narrowing my eyes at her,

"Sorry sir, Mrs. Grandstein sent me to deliver this to you," she said, holding out a neatly folded paper in the slip of her fingers.

I examined the paper, it looked like something she took her time doing.

I took it from the outstretched fingers of her assistant, that's the only person she could send to deliver his kind of personal message. I can't imagine that she is friends with other people or is talking to them.

"Thank you, miss," I said, waving her off. She left as quickly as she came in.

I opened the paper, and there was a note for me. It read,

Thank you for the flowers, and I wasn't angry about the kiss yesterday. I was just embarrassed that it had to be at the worst moment.

Thank you for the chocolate, you were right, you made my day.



Did I make her day? I wrote that the chocolate would make her day better....oh!

I trailed off as I understood, she wasn't mad about the kiss.

I felt like jumping for joy but that would be weird for my employees.

A smile made its way to my face, I am sure she has one on her face right now. This was so silly of me to even think about.

But I liked the smile on her face.