chapter sixteen

Carter's pov

I couldn't help myself, she loved the flowers and chocolate so I made it my mission to have some delivered to her office every day, I wrote different things on the card, things that could make her smile. She always sent me back a thank you note each time through her assistant. We were flirting through notes? I don't know which was more pathetic.

The fact that I smile each time she sends a thank you note or the fact that I stand close to her office to watch her smile and bring the flowers up to her nose to smell them. The beautiful smile she has on when she reads my note and the cute way she sighs as she writes down her thank you note.

I have been seeing all of that, I decided that it wasn't enough to sit in my office and wait for the note when I could just see for myself that she loves it indeed.

I wasn't stalking her, maybe I was a little but it's just harmless stalking. Watching as she receives my gift can't be that bad if a thing. I can't help myself these days, we still haven't spoken since that kiss but we have said a lot through the notes. We were passing notes around like little kids in middle school, so sad.

I was so determined to talk to her, but even if she was happy receiving the flowers from me, she was trying to avoid me still, I wanted to talk to her but I don't even know what I would say. Should I apologize for kissing her or do I apologize that it got cut short?

So confusing.

I held my fingers to my lips, it was still tingly from when her lips touched mine. Who knew I would still be thinking about a mere kiss. No, it wasn't a mere kiss. It was the start of something so powerful. I wanted to explore it with her, but it looks like it's one-sided for now.

Or is it?

It's obvious I have to bid my time, it wouldn't be fair of me to pursue her when she is upset about something, the least I could do is make her day as she put it.

I tried so hard for the rest of the day to get my head straight and focus on work, but no matter how much I worked, I couldn't get her smile out of my mind. It was beautiful, she is beautiful. The image of her smiling kept popping up in my head making me let out a smile of my own. It was silly.

If my workers could see me smiling to myself randomly, what would they think?

They would assume that I have gone ballistic in the workplace. I wiped the smile off my face each time it came on, I am sure I looked like a weirdo to anyone that could see me inside my office.

I checked the weekly report of all the departments in the building including hers. She has the highest work rate in her department, and their statistics have gone up since then. It was like she was a different person who suddenly became hardworking.

I was tempted to call on somebody from there to keep an eye on her, but I thought it wouldn't be wise to have someone else spy on my wife, it would be really bad for me to do that without her permission.

I should believe she went through an epiphany and realized that she needed to be true to herself?

Or was this some kind of game?

No, I shook my head.

It didn't look like a game, there was a surprise all over her face when she realized she was attracted to me all of a sudden as well. She didn't plan that.

So what if she is a different person? I am attracted to this new side of her and not the old one. The old one was simply a means to an end. But right now, my marriage looks promising and the future seemed too bright for us. If only we can turn it into a real marriage then there would be nothing to talk about anymore.

Feeling the urge to go see her one more time, I stood from my chair. Strolling through the corridor and whistling lowly. This is the time that she goes out for lunch but office gossip reveals that she doesn't go to the cafeteria. She prefers having her meals inside her office where she can get some alone time. Strange.

I got to her office and stared at the glass door, she was engrossed with the papers she was reading, she isn't going for lunch?

I wonder if I ask her for lunch if she would think it as being too forward.

I watched how beautiful she looked with her brows furrowed and her squinting eyes. She looked so adorable with her lips in a pout.

She looked so pretty, standing there watching her looks like a normal thing in marriage to check up on their spouse but I felt like a stalker who was watching the wife he couldn't get close to. I shook my head, getting rid of the thoughts, and simply worked back to my office.

Meanwhile, I was beating up myself the whole time, I wanted to take her to lunch but I wondered if it might be too soon to approach her, she doesn't seem all that approachable after the kiss. She might be smiling but I know she was apprehensive about seeing me again.

I would try my best to steer clear of her but I needed her to talk to me again, it didn't have to be about the kiss but about us in general. I needed her to know that it wasn't a mistake.

I kissed her because I wanted to.

Not because she was hurting, that was just wrong timing but because she looked so pretty and I have never felt attracted to her in that manner before.