Chapter eight seven

Carter's pov

An hour before Dermot came home.

I whistled to myself as I pranced around the kitchen, trying to prepare something good for her. She said she was working late and there was no doubt in me.

She has been taking on the strain at work because I have been absent tidying up a few loose ends.

I ended up giving Benjamin his stock share, he demanded it. He didn't want questions over his newly acquired wealth and I didn't want anything getting back to me. So, I simply put the equivalent in stock in my company.

I paid the informant his share, and an additional to keep his mouth shut. He knows that the outcome won't be great if he went about telling people. He should wisely keep his family safe.

For the great of the time, I frequented the hotels like it was my safe space but I was creating the perfect excuse to be out of work.

An affair.