Chapter one hundred and three

Dermot's pov

The dinner was going so well, sure we weren't talking a lot but it was progressing. I did all the talking while he listened. Occasionally giving me a nod and throwing in a yes there.

It wasn't normal for him to be silent but I took it because he said he was tired. But I couldn't help but strike up a conversation with him hoping he would talk to me.

"So, I passed on the Shaw project," I announced.

That got his attention because he dropped his spoon.

"Why? You were dying to be on the project." He points out.

"Yes I know, but I thought about what you said the last time and I think you have a point," I say.

"What's that?"

"I am working too much and I need to cut back. So, I will be working from home now." I say.

He looks up, surprised at my announcement.

"That's new. Why?" He asks, 

"Baby, I dont want our relationship to be lacking because of work. I want to take care of you and our baby." I say.