Chapter one hundred and four

Dermot's pov

Today was just like every other morning, I was happy and my husband had already left for work and I was still laying in bed thinking of what to do.

Thank goodness Carter suggested I get back on the project because I just about woke up and I am already bored out of my mind.

I needed someone to beg me to come back before I can, it would be so embarrassing for me to show up in the office because I couldn't take staying at home anymore. Humiliating.

I go downstairs to make a sandwich for myself while I think about what to do with my day. I guess I can call Benjamin but that would be bothering him.

Well, fuck it.

"Alexa, call Benjamin," I yelled to my phone.

Calling Benjamin...Alexa announced.

I waited patiently as the phone rang, but he didn't pick up till the fourth ring.

"Hello?" He answered.

"Well hello, did I catch you at a bad time?" I asked, 

"No, what is it?" He groans.