Chapter one hundred and five

Dermot's pov

"Well. What do we have here?" I murmured as I stared down at my vibrating phone. I was thinking it would be a day or two knowing how insolent Trey could be but I can say, I am a bit surprised at the turn of events.

It was my third day absent from the office and I wasn't liking it but he didn't have to know that.

It's like he decided to change more than his name, surely he had not turned needy. Well, he changed his name to Bernard of all things so he might not be the man I took him to be.

I let the phone ring just for the fun of it, he isn't the only one allowed to have some fun. The light on my screen went off and it was like a huge weight lifted itself off my chest.

That lasted for a second because it started ringing again, I only picked at the fourth ring.

"Hello?" I answered,

"What is this I hear about you dropping out of the project?" his commanding voice came almost immediately.