Chapter one hundred and six

Dermot's pov

I was dressed in my negotiating outfit, it was a black dress with a plunging neckline. Not one that made me stand out in a bad way but my cleavage was moderately covered. I wore the dress because it hid my baby bump.

The last thing I wanted anyone to notice was my pregnancy.

I whistled a tune as I applied my signature red lipstick, I was stepping into the devil's lair and I need to cover my inner innocence and present them with the bitchy side of me. 

And this bitch always negotiates with the proper lip wear.

I texted Carter that I was stepping out for air but he didn't reply, I guessed that he was stuck in a meeting and he has not had the chance to check his messages. I didn't waste any time getting there but just for the fun of it, I took the longer route letting him stew for my lack of punctuality.

I got to the bar and I was amazed by it, it looked adequate. I know where we are spending our Friday night soon.