Chapter one hundred and seven

I stared at my lovely husband who I was trying not to strangle this instant, what was he thinking bringing my assistant here?

The whole purpose of the movie night was to relax and discuss the events that have happened around us and now, we won't get to do that because someone brought a guest.

I disentangled myself from the hug, "you are welcome to my home." I said with a smile.

Carter grimaced, he knew it was my fake smile, I was not happy with him and he knew it.

"Let me just go upstairs and change, I will be right down." He says, he wanted to make his exit. Is he insane?

"Ben, make sure she is comfortable, we will be right back," I told him.

He smiled despite being uncomfortable, that's the spirit.

I said nothing as I followed him to our bedroom, the door was barely closed when I descended on him.

"What the hell were you thinking?" I asked,

"I was thinking Ben should get a date." He shrugged.