Travel and false trail.

Leo exited the floo in the Ministry of Magic atrium. He walked towards the emigration.

"Hello, I wish to travel to Albania" Leo said to the operator at the counter.

"It's 5 galleons. The portkey will be available in few minutes." the guy at the counter replied. There will be checking at the immigration to prevent you are carrying any banned items.

I nodded and paid. There were some questionably darker books in his trunk.

"System do I get an inventory or anything."

[Inventory at 5 galleons per slot]

"What, are you trying to rip me off."

[The system is impartial and also has a degree in finance management. Never sell for free is also a principle of this system.]

"How many books can the inventory hold."

[One inventory slot can hold 10 books.]

"This is daylight robbery. Give me one since I am in a pickle and transfer those dark books into the inventory from my trunk surreptitiously."

[One inventory slot granted. 5 galleons were reducted. Surreptitious transfer is done. 1 galleon reducted. Thank you for using the service.]

"What there is a service charge as well." Leo fumed in his mind. he had only over 300 galleons in his pouch. He needed much of it for the next part of his plan.

Once the portkey arrived, Leo held on to it and said "Albania here I come"

The feeling was awful. Like going through a water pipe that squeezes you. Even though Quirrell's body was fine as he has done it many times, Leos mind was not ready for the sudden squeeze and pull. He stared at the Immigration of Albania. The portly wizard diagnosed me with some spells to check for any dark artifacts and asked me to submit the wand and trunk which I promptly did. Once he saw nothing out of order, just clothes and books taught at school, he asked.

"Purpose of visit?"

"Travelling. I am a Hogwarts professor on sabbatical. Could you provide me with a map of the magical community and attractions in Albania? I also wish to hone my skills by killing some dark creatures." Leo said.

"Ah, a future hunter in the making. Good. Here you go, this map marks almost all the sites you need." the portly wizard replied and gave me a parchment.

I looked at it and exited the ministry of Albania and made my way to the business grounds of the magical community. The place was crowded being a Sunday evening. Kids and adults went around shopping in queer little shops selling brooms, potions, and clothes. It all looked like an 80's setup of Europe. I guess the magical community is 10 years behind the muggles. Once I looked around, I head over to the less populated and darker areas of the business grounds. Similar to Knockturn alley in Britain every community has its black markets and the one in Albania was called Blackcave street. Once I stepped into a dinghy-looking inn wearing my cloak and a hood to prevent prying eyes I went up to the storekeeper who was cleaning the glasses. There were very few people in the inn who helped my cause.

"I need a portkey." I said in a gruff commanding voice.

"Sorry pal. This ain't the ministry." the man replied with a thick accent. The people sitting at a table listened intently.

I placed a galleon on the table and slid it across the barkeep. "Direct me, and it will be the easiest galleon you will make."

The barkeep pocketed the galleon and asked. "Where to."

"Germany and Egypt." I replied.

"Germany is gonna cost you 20 galleons and Egypt 100." he said with eyes shining greedily.

I said nothing and placed 120 galleons. Before the barkeep took it I looked into his eyes and said. "If the portkey does not work as I expect it to, I will come back and collect the money from your dead body." Quirrell had a nifty dark spell 'Tenebris affectum' which made the person emit a cold and dark aura. Compiled with the attire, he felt that Leo was a crazy dark wizard.

Once he went behind the shop, I looked over to the listeners. I went over to them. They shook visibly and their hands moved towards their wands.

"Don't, let us be civil here. I have a proposition for both of you." I placed a pouch with 20 galleons and said

"I need you to go around shady places like this dressed in the type of attire I am wearing and ask for information on wraiths in the forest. Do that for 2 days. It doesn't matter whether you get information but you should not appear at the same place at the same time. Once that is done just discard the outfit and go on with your lives. This will be the easiest 10 galleons you will make." The evil aura around me strengthens as the two of them nods like chickens.

Soon the barkeep comes with two bottles. One black and one yellow. "Here you go, the black one gets you to Germany and the Yellow to Egypt. The activation phrase is 'Name of the country here I come'. Got it?"

"Yes" I replied and took the bottles. I kept the one to Egypt in my pouch and took the one to Germany. "Germany, here I come." There was a whoosh and the feeling of squeezing came over me, but this time it was much better.

I reached a remote land, filled with snow and cracked ground devoid of vegetation. I used the point me spell to find north and walked in the opposite direction. Hopefully walking south leads me to some civilization and after that, I am off to get my wand.

[Hogwarts headmasters office]

Dumbledore was reading the parchment that he received.

'Target entered the ministry in a rush and brought a portkey to Albania. Albanian ministry wizard confirms he wants to go to the forest. Target entered a run-down inn in the black market. Target left to find information brokers in the market. The mission for watching the target is complete.'

Dumbledore sighed. "Quirinus my boy, your anxiousness to see the dark lord is indeed commendable. You believe he will welcome you with open arms. Not like he has arms now. But Tom is a selfish prick who will do anything to get himself in power. Ah Quirinus, I hope you meet him. I hope you become a good pawn in this game of mine. I am not a bad man my boy, it is just for the greater good of course."