Wand and Egypt.

Walking down the road in the southern direction, I started seeing fringes of civilization. Witches and wizards dressed in German attire, colorful polka-dotted skirt-wearing witches were seen intermittently. Unlike Britain, German wizards and witches were more colorful.

"System, could you tell me how the previous Quirrell died?"

[Sadly the previous Quirrell was murdered by Fred and George Weasley.]

"What, why?"

[They planted a Peruvian instant darkness powder bomb amongst your grading papers when you went to the headmaster to ask about the sabbatical. Unlucky for Quirrell, the bomb exploded in his face, due to his high lung capacity he breathed all of it causing asphyxiation and eventually death.]

"This world is so dangerous. Even a child can kill an adult wizard. I need to be extra careful. Looks like the tail that followed me from the ministry is gone now, which is a relief."

Once I reached the township, I went to the nearby inn and booked a room. The owner seems to be an amiable lady witch in her 40's wearing a blue sleeveless polka-dotted skirt with a pointed witch's hat.

"Hello, madam, could you direct me to Gregorovitch Zauberstäbe the wand shop?" The pervert Ollivander should be in Old Dumbles pocket. I dont want to alert him by going there and asking for a wand. Mykew Gregorovitch may be an idiot when it comes to social skills otherwise he would not have told the world he had the Elder wand and got stolen by Grindelwald. But his wand making is top-notch.

"Oh, ze you can take the floo to German square. You will see a shop made of red bricks and with a vertical wand flag on top. There is no name as everyone knows about it." she said with a thick German accent.

"Thank you." I gave her a courtesy bow and left for the floo.

The German square was crowded. Leo had a glamour spell on him which made him look like Quirrell with hair and a well-trimmed beard. Not many will recognize he is Quirrell unless they look quite closely. Leo did this to prevent any mishaps in his false trail that he left for the old coot to find.

Finding the wand shop was not hard. It was open and since the school season has not started, the business was not that crowded.

"Hello, is anyone here." Leo rang the bell on the counter and asked.

A man in an old tweed coat with messy long hair and a thick moustache came out from behind the store.

"What do you want?" Gregorovitch asked in a gruff voice.

"A custom wand" Leo did not elaborate.

"Alright, but it's gonna cost you 100 galleons" he replied.

Without haggling, Leo placed a small pouch with 100 galleons on the counter.

"Come with me." Gregorovitch motioned him as he went behind the shop.

Behind the shop were all kinds of cuboidal blocks of wood of various colors arranged neatly on shelves.

"Walk past the wooden blocks and find the one that resonates with you the most" Gregorovitch said.

I did as told and walked past them with my hand outstretched. Soon I felt a connection to one block that sits at the far end. As I touch it a feeling of familiarity begins to appear in my mind.

"This one" I said.

"Hawthorn, it makes strange contradictory wands. Paradoxical in nature and good for both healing and killing. Wands made of hawthorn are not easy to master and most of them are fickle in nature, dumping one owner for another once they prove unworthy" Gregorovitch said with a smile. "Now onto the core. Come along."

As I entered the next room, I saw many glass cases filled with one or more queer ingredients and marked with labels. Unicorn hair, dragon heartstrings from various dragons, and even a couple of phoenix feathers. I also saw various less known ingredients Kneazle whiskers, Kelpie mane, Rougarou hair, water river monster spine, and so on.

"Go on, check for the one that resonates." Gregorovitch snaps at me impatiently.

As I walked among the ingredients, one felt right, an unmarked glass jar near the one marked thestral hair. Unlike the other jars, this contained only one long string-like hair.

"This seems to be the one. What is it." I asked.

"That is a willingly given Thestral tail hair. A queer core indeed. I've only had two of those in my store. I made a wand with yew and that core forty years ago. The man who owned it became a dark necromancer. You may know his name, Obu Uladu. He was the man responsible for the African Death Plague during the first wizarding war. The man killed people on a scale that is still frowned since he made them into his mindless minions using necromancy."

Gregorovitch continued "I have always suspected this core selects a wizard who understands death in a level that is too deep. It seems you are such a person as well." He did not miss the surprise and frown on my face when he said that.

"With that done, put three drops of blood on the wood." He gave me a sacrificial silver knife.

I did as told and saw the blood seeping into the hawthorn block. It seems custom wands are made like this.

"Can you make it in such a way that the design resembles this wand" I showed him the previous wand of Quirrell?" I did not want to give any information to Old Dumbles.

"Alright, wait at the counter. I will be back in an hour."

I bowed curtly and did as he told. I found a book at the counter 'Introduction to wandlore'. Seems like a basic book for the people coming in to read. I took the English copy and started reading. It was not that interesting but the effects of each wood and core have indeed made me think of the sheer number of possibilities for each wand.

In an hour the wandmaker came back with two black boxes. He opened them in front of me. One contained the brown wand with a hint of black and a pommel at the hilt just like the wand previous Quirrell owned. As I took it, I felt my magic pouring into it. I felt complete as the magic was begging me to release. "Lumos" I said. The wand tip shone brightly. The feeling of contentment after coming to this world, I thought.

The other box contained a wand holster with the normal anti-theft, indestructible and invisible charms on it. I took it and places it on my wrist and kept the wand within. I tried using it by summoning my wand and placing it back a couple of times. I nodded towards Gregorovitch and headed out when I heard.

"What is your name Mr wizard."

"It's Leo, Leo Quinton." I said as I walked out.