Of wars and cats.

Once I returned to my chambers with the acromantula venom I started processing it. Being the alpha of his race, Aragogs poison was several times more powerful than normal ones. I coated several scalpels and needles with the venom.

[Muggle studies 6th years classroom]

"Next year you are going to take your NEWTS. I believe some of you do have the idea that muggle studies paper is going to be easy and I am not going to say no. All you have to do are read some basic textbooks and have a general idea of muggle history and how to interact with them. I am not going to teach you those books that you can read by yourself" I started the class.

"But what I am going to teach you is how to understand how the muggle world has affected the wizarding world" I added as the students started listening attentively.

"The wizarding world was embroiled in 2 wars that shook its core. Wizards Grindelwald and the later Voldermort, had different ideologies. While Grindelwald raised his allies under the banner of freedom, Voldermort did so in the name of blood purity" I said several controversial statements that created murmurs in the class.

"Do you know why these two wizards failed?" I asked the class.

A Ravenclaw girl said "Because they faced resistance"

"You are right Miss Abernathy. They faced resistance from their own. They could never bring all of the wizarding world together. In the muggle world, the Americans gained freedom or independence from the British empire who colonized them because they united and had the same cause."

"Look at Grindelwald. He said he wanted freedom. Freedom from whom? The muggles who don't even know we exist?"

"In the Muggle second world war, a German dictator by the name of Hitler started purging Jews. He believed in the superiority of the Aryan races. What happened was death on a scale of such magnitude, that brought the collective hate of the world on him. Does this ring any bells with an incident of the wizarding world?" I asked.

"The second wizarding war" said McGuffin a Gryffindor.

"Yes, Mr. McGuffin. Voldermort pitting purebloods against the rest is quite similar to the ideologic modus operandi of the muggle dictator Hitler" I said.

"And in the end, the only people who suffered were in the magical community. Assignments for the week. Write a foot-long assessment of the similarity in ideologies of muggle and wizarding wars. Also from the perspective of a peaceful magical community explain why would you risk exposure to muggles?" I said as I saw many of the students groaning in frustration.

"Understand this, kids all that Grindelwald and Voldermort have done was risk exposure of wizarding kind to the desolation of war. Nothing good comes of it. When the majority does not want war, they just fizzle out sooner or later at the expense of the soldiers and with no obvious benefits. I want you to understand muggles not only for the sake of traveling their world. Our history is so connected with theirs. Down the years there may be dark wizards riling you up based on some crackpot ideology cooked up in a muggle pub. The sooner you understand what these people's hidden intentions are the better."

'I knew for a fact that discrediting two dark lords would bring a lot of heat upon me. But I wanted to garner the attention of a few dark wizards and see what I could do to cull some of their population'.

[Castle corridor at night]

Harry just finished his detention with the famous Gilderoy Lockhart and walking to his dorm when he heard.

'Blood, I smell blood. let me rip you, let me kill you'

Harry followed the voice and met up with Ron and Hermione.

"Did you hear it?" asked Harry.

"Hear what?" Ron asked.

"The voice, it's moving. I think it's going to kill" Harry said and ran along the corridors.

Soon the golden trio stood in front of a wall in which a message was written in blood alongside a petrified cat, Mrs. Norris.

'The chamber of secrets has been opened. Enemies of the heir beware'

The corridor soon got crowded with students and Professors gasping as they read the message.

[Leo/Quirrell POV]

"You, you did this, didn't you. I will kill you" an enraged Filch grabbed Harry's collar.

"Argus" came the grandfatherly voice of Dumbledore. "All students go back to their dormitories, except for the three of you" he looked at the golden trio as the students retired, he added, "She is not dead Argus, just petrified".

"Ah, if only I were here. I knew just the counterspell to reverse it" Lockhart said.

I looked at him 'seriously this man's ability to bullshit is second to none'.

I took a look at the petrified cat. The magic was quite different from when a petrification curse or potion was used. The magic was dark and primal, I could feel the animalistic instinct latched onto the cat. So it seems Ginny used the diary. I will keep an eye on her and make sure she is not in trouble from interacting with the diary too much. She should learn the consequences of her actions. I should also make sure some kid does not get petrified in the hallways.

"It seems like these three were at the wrong place at the wrong time headmaster," said Snape.

"My cat has been petrified, I want to see some punishment" an enraged Argus said.

"As I recall Madam Sprout has a healthy batch of mandrakes, we will whip up a potion once they mature" said the grandfatherly Dumbledore to Filch. "In the meantime, I advise caution to everyone".

As the teachers retired, I made up my mind on how to deal with the basilisk. The only weakness it has is a rooster crow. But for a 1000-year-old fossil, whether it works or not should be tested.

[Next day 4th year Muggle studies class]

"Good work everyone on replicating the electric heater to the magical one". I praised the class. The Gryffindors and the Hufflepuffs have indeed made a passable magical heater albeit the output was low and efficiency was poor. "For the year we will be learning about various gadgets of muggles and on how we can convert them to be used in the magical world".

"Sir" called Angelina, the Gryffindor girl.

"Yes, Miss Johnson"

"I was wondering if you could tell us about the Chamber of secrets".

'It seems like almost everyone is interested in the story, most teachers would be doing the same I guess.'

"Well, I don't need to tell you who the founders are. One of the founders Salazar Slytherin believed that magical knowledge to be kept in magical families or pure-bloods. His differences in opinion with the other founders caused him to leave. Legend says he built a chamber that only his heir will be able to open and control the monster within to purge the school of unworthy or muggle-born as per Slytherin's view. No such chamber has been found so far." I said gravely.

"What do you think Professor?" asked Fred with a smile.