The map and preparations.

"What I believe Mr. Weasley is that there is no smoke without fire. Every legend, myth, and story has some link with an event that happened. Do I believe in the Chamber of secrets? Yes, I do. Do I believe a monster exists within it? I believe that too. Do you know why?" I asked the students.

"You have insider information," said a chuckling George.

"I would be grateful if such information was there Mr. Weasly, but no that is not the case. The reason is that I am a wizard. A wizard dwells in facts and not hearsay and rumors. Yesterday we saw something that was dangerous, a cat petrified with very evil magic. Magic that is definitely not possible for even a seventh-year student. So how did it happen? I don't know. When a wizard does not know, the only way forward is to make a suspect's list. Who can do this? It could be done by a professor who may have the knowledge and magic capacity. Or it could be done by a creature with the ability to petrify. I am inclined to believe the latter."

Many kids looked aghast. "What I am trying to say is that do not take this callously. Today it was a cat, tomorrow it could be you or me."

"What could the monster of Slytherin be?" asked another student.

"Could be a Gorgon, Cockatrice, or even a Basilisk, all of them have the ability to petrify. In magic, the idea of impossibility is a very difficult concept. Right now you treat all of them as suspects however, small the chance being. The suspect's list could be narrowed down once we have proof." I said.

"Assignment for the week. Consider yourself as an obliviator working with the ministry. You encounter a situation where a cockatrice got loose in muggle Britain. What do you do to prevent exposure of the wizarding world? Make it 2 feet long with a footnote on how to capture it without alerting muggle authorities." I said. 'That ought to keep them busy.'

As the class left I called the Weasly twins.

"What is it professor?" asked a curious Fred.

"I need your map for a few days. I want to keep an eye on somethings and would like to replicate it" I said.

"Which map sir, we don't have any map. Do we Fred?" said George.

"Please Mr. Weasly. I know you have the Marauders map. I won't keep it from you for long. I don't think the Marauders would like the idea of a teacher owning their map" I replied.

"You know the Marauders?" both of them asked excitedly.

"They were pranksters Mr. Weaslys. Pranks are meant to be fun for everyone. But sometimes they came out to be more of the bully types rather than the fun types. I hope you guys bring fun rather than becoming bullies." I replied.

"Who are they professor" asked the twins.

"Don't go down their path kids. Two of them are dead as per records, one is in Azkaban and the last one is a hobo." I replied.

The twins looked downcast. Their heroes were not what they thought they were. Fred brought out the map and gave it to me.

'Alright, map acquired now for a rooster'. I thought and walked towards Hagrids hut.

As I acquired a rooster within a cage from Hagrid, I took it back to the castle. Roaming in the night with this cluck in tow would be useful if I ever meet that serpent. As soon as I got back to my chambers, I started working on the map. As I started revealing the enchantments in the map, I understood, it worked with the Homonculous charm. But most importantly the map worked as such because the marauders have mapped the entire castle. Mostly using the invisibility cloak I guess. That would really save me time. I copied the castle layout and applied the Homonculous charm. Once I saw the name Quirinus Quirrell in the chamber, I was relieved. I almost thought my name would have been Leo.

I removed all the monitoring enchantments in my professor's quartes after the fiasco with Dawlmort. I believed the old man won't have enough time to deal with me as I have proved to be on the side of light.

"House elf of Hogwarts I need your assistance. I said as a small elf popped up. "Mr. Professor called?" asked the elf.

"Yes. could you fetch Fred or George Weasly of the Gryffindor house please". I said.

The elf vanished with a pop and after a few minutes, the twins came. They saw the folded marauders map and the new one laid on my table.

"Here you go. Thank you for loaning it to me." I said and gave it to them.

"Sir, did you replicate it?" asked a curious Fred.

"Ah, yes I did. Don't worry I am not intending to catch all the students out of bed guys. But on a serious note, keep your nightly travels to a minimum." I said gravely.

"Sir is there a need to be worried" asked Fred.

"Well, when we don't know about the enemy, always assume the worst. All I can tell you is that the last time this happened 50 years ago, a student died. Don't panic guys, and don't create a kerfuffle in the common room. As long as you are not out of the dormitories at night, nothing will happen. I need this map to keep the idiots who may venture at night safe." I replied.

"Also if you are ever intending to create your own map, the method lies in mapping the castle and casting a Homonculous charm. Maybe you can add more secret passages to your new and advanced map." I said and saw a twinkle in both their eyes.

[Next day during Quidditch]

As Harry and Draco were trash-talking, the bludger started to behave crazily. It targeted Harry like a moth to the flame. Soon Harry and Draco started to chase the snitch with the mad bludger following behind. I was not so worried this time. No one has died in Quiddich for a long time and understanding the playbook of Barn Bad Shrinkley has made me see quidditch as a sport with lesser risks. Hell Barn Bad would have taken out the entire opposition if something like a rogue bludger chased him with the rogue bludger.

I still have not mastered the room broom skill. That was what I called flying around in a square room only twice the size of the broom without hitting. But I completed one of his plays which I called the madness of the forest where I had to navigate a forest at max speed without hitting anything.

Harry caught the snitch. I soon left the teacher's stand to see what is going on. I saw Lockhart leaving the stands. That man is a magnet of idiocy and I wanted to see what will happen. It seems like Hermionie took care of the rogue bludger. I went and inspected the pieces, seemed like elf magic was applied, it should be that curious elf, what was his name? I don't seem to remember it. That's when I heard Brachium emendo.

A bluish glow later, Harry had no bones in his forearms.

'This guy is an absolute menace.' I thought. 'Harry should learn how to stick up to others and be less meek'. I thought.