The snake and the club.

That night I saw Ginny going into Moaning Myrtle's bathroom. 'She is going to let that thing loose I guess.' I opened up the map a bit more and checked who was out of bed.

'Colin Creevey was going to the hospital wing. Crap, and I cant see the snake through the map. Well here goes nothing.'

I activated UHM with an improved body temperature concealing charm and rune since I feared snakes could see the heat. I ran towards the kid and once I found him, I heard the noise. The noise of something heavy crawling. With no time to waste, I stupified the kid and took him under UHM with me, and hid behind a pillar as the sound closed near me. I unlocked the small cage containing the chicken and left it out. The crawling suddenly stopped and it seemed the sound was moving away from me. I checked the map as I saw Dumbledore coming out of his office and making his way here.

I removed the camouflage and took back the chicken. I revived Creevey and started scolding him as I heard Dumbledore closing from a corner.

"Mr. Creevey. When the Headmaster has given an express warning to be cautious, why did you come out of the dorms at this point? 20 points from Gryffindor and detention with Mr. Filch ought to make you understand the importance of school rules. I will now escort you to your dorm" I said and started walking with him when I met the headmaster.

"Ah, Professor Quirrell what brings you at this late hour." Asked the old man.

"I was on my way to get a cup of hot cocoa from the kitchen when I bumped into Mr. Creevey here who was breaking curfew." I said.

He nodded and asked, "Professor Quirrell have you heard a sound in the castle?"

"What kind of sound Headmaster?"

"Something heavy, moving about." He replied.

"No sir, I don't recall such a sound." I lied through my teeth as I felt a mind probe.

'This man cannot let me live in peace. He wants heavy sound I will give him heavy sound.' I thought and started guiding him to my fabricated memory of a heavy female troll walking along the corridors. Its footsteps causing a callous thumping sound, with the headmaster following it.'

I soon felt him retracting the probe and leaving.

'That idiot thinks I am chasing trolls in the middle of the night. I was the stupid one. His head has nothing inside except some lascivious trolls.' Dumbledore thought.

Once I left Creevey, I went back and started to monitor the map. I placed a small charm on the map that gave me an alert when someone got out of their dorms. I had to go around the castle several times during that night.

The next morning saw almost all houses having losing more than 60 points each and detention for around ten students. Fred and George looked at one another implying what the hell did Professor Quirrell do.

The next day the dueling club's first class was going to be in session headed by none other than Gilderoy Lockhart. He had set up the great hall to be the dueling arena with almost all the years being asked to attend.

'I gotta go and see it. It's gonna be such a train wreck' I thought and made my way to the hall and stood at aside. I also wanted to recruit potential students to train as well. This was a great opportunity. I am definitely going to train Harry.

Soon I saw the only man who could make me laugh so heartedly after coming into this world. \

"Gather round, gather round. Can everyone see and hear me?" He said walking across the dueling arena. "In light of the recent dark events, headmaster Dumbledore has given me permission to start this little dueling club in case you ever need to defend yourself." He added.

"Let me introduce my assistant Professor Snape" said Lockhart as the potions master walked over like a gliding bat.

As the wizards performed the bow and the fancy wand motions, they moved apart. Soon I saw Lockhart flying through the air. Poor chap. Never stood a chance against the war veteran potions master. It could have been worse though. He could have played with the DADA professor and finally jinxed with a tarantellegra to make him dance.

But what surprised me was what Lockhart said. "An excellent idea Professor Snape to show them that. But if you don't mind me saying it was pretty obvious what you were about to do. And if I had wanted to stop you, it would have only been elementary."

'It was at this moment I understood, Gilderoy's ability to bullshit was not something that he makes up on the spot. He predicts countless outcomes and prepares for each scenario to take the crowd back.'

As the student duels started I saw many interesting candidates. Cederic was a good choice, so was Daphne Greengrass from Slytherin, Luna was interesting too but the one who surprised me most was Neville Longbottom. I heard many rumors inside the castle that he was like a squib and had very less talent in magic. But of all the second years, he had the highest magical volume. 'How the hell has Dumbledore not discovered him. It seems as the years go by, he seems to draw conclusions faster than checking all the facts.' I thought.

The class soon grew silent as Harry started hissing at a snake conjured by Draco.

'So this is what parseltongue sounds like. It's more ominous than I thought, a slight feeling of dread is indeed permeating the air that was causing uneasiness. No wonder parselmouths are discriminated against.' I thought as the shenanigans came to an end with Snape banishing the snake and the students returning. I slipped a card into the pocket of the candidates I intended to teach and hopefully train to be better wizards and witches.