The students.

[Harry POV]

The Gryffindor common room was eerily silent after the dueling club.

'So I am a parselmouth and Salzar Slytherin was also one. Now everyone thinks I am the heir of Slytherin. Now that they believe that I am the heir, the true heir is roaming free' he thought and sat down on the couch as I felt something within my robes.

It was a blue-colored card. It had an inverted triangle with the image of an eye within its center radiating light. Behind it was written, "Heed thee summoned. The answers you seek be revealed. Follow the stars alone." Harry read.

As I read it, the side of the card started glowing and formed two red stars on top of the card. They aligned one behind the other forming a line or arrow of some sort. It seemed like a compass.

'I showed Ron and Hermione the card. But the curious thing was they could only see it as a plain piece of parchment, and the stars seemed to vanish when I took Ron with me.'

'I decided to go alone and see what this is. If it is a prank of the twins then I can only blame myself.'

[Cederic POV]

'The dueling club was a disaster. Lockhart was just as useless as he was in class. All I can do is buck up and work on something else. I hope the headmaster removes him and makes Professor Flitwick or McGonagall the dueling instructor.

While changing, I felt something on my robes. A card with an inverted triangle and eye at its center.

[Luna POV]

'It was fun today. But some Nargles have taken my shoes and a parchment. I skipped to my room. I wanted to see what the mysterious person put into my robes. He seemed free of Nargles.'

It seemed to be a mysterious card. I like this symbol. 'Ooh, a riddle at the back. I need to find the answer.' Thought luna as she skipped through the corridors.

[Daphne POV]

'Heed thee summoned. The answers you seek be revealed. Follow the stars alone.'

'Can I get the answers I seek? Is this a prank, should I pursue it? Logic says not to trust an ownerless item that leads you somewhere. It could be a trap. But if it is not can I get what I need?' She thought.

[Neville POV]

I got a strange card today. It glowed. Seemed like a prank the twins might pull. I thought to throw it away when I saw Harry carrying a similar card and walking along the direction given by the card. I followed him.

[Seventh-floor empty classroom. POV Leo/Quirrell]

There were five students looking at one another.

"Did you get one of these from the mysterious invisible man?" asked an excited Luna from the mysterious invisible man.

"I have one" Harry said, the others took out their cards as well. "Who is the mysterious invisible man Luna?"

"He is invisible silly, how could I know?" replied a giggling Luna as she looked to a corner.

"Ah, guys, do you think I am supposed to be here?" Neville asked looking down.

"Let's see how this plays out. I don't know whether we are all supposed to be here. In an hour we will be breaking curfew. Keep your wands ready in case." Cederic said and drew his wand, so did the others.

Suddenly, the doors closed and the five looked towards it warily.

"If you are startled by a mere door, then you are truly going to be in a world of pain when we grow up." I said as I appeared behind them.

They were startled as I said this and were pointing the wand at me.

"Settle down." I said in a baritone voice. My eyes glowing.

"You may be wondering why I gave you a card and asked you to meet me. Well, the short answer is that I want to take you as my personal students. I want to teach you how to fight as a wizard. The dueling club was a disaster. I used that class to see who were talented enough for me to pass on some of my skills." I said.

"You may also wonder whether I have the skills to teach you." I took a golden token with a purple ribbon and threw it to Cederic. "That is an Order of Merlin, second class which I got by defeating a strange dark wizard who infiltrated Hogwarts. It's not clear proof that I am capable, so I do wish to show it to you as well if you agree to be my personal student." I added.

"What does the personal student role entail?" Asked Daphne.

"Ah, Miss. Greengrass, there are no strings attached to it except bragging rights for me when you all become famous." I said chucking but stopped and said gravely. "Hogwarts education has gone down in quality year by year. There used to be so many clubs in the past that students made several important discoveries while within this castle. Many useful subjects like warding, curse-breaking, enchanting, and alchemy were replaced by useless things like divination which can only be performed if you have the inner eye that a scant few possess. Hogwarts does not teach you any practical skills you need to survive. I want to do that. Plus it is every teacher's dream to groom talented students."

"Si..sir, why did you select me?" Asked Neville face down.

"Each of you were selected because you had a particular strength. As for you Mr. Longbottom, you have the highest magical volume within your years. You have the magic volume of a 3rd-year while in your second year. Cederic here was selected because he is the most hardworking person I have seen. Harry was chosen because he is in the middle of trouble all the time and could use some sort of training. Daphne was chosen because she is the most cunning Slytherin student. Luna was chosen because she could see me while none of you could." I explained.

Cederic, Daphne, and Harry looked at Luna and Neville.

"It can't be. How can I be strong when I can't even produce basic spells" said a stuttering Neville.

"Well, I do have an explanation for it. Your wand is the reason why you are both strong and weak at the same time. If my assumption is correct it is not a wand that selected you is it?" I asked.

"It was my father's wand. My grandmother gave it to me saying I could become worthy of it someday." He replied, with red eyes while the others looked at him.

"Madam Dowager Longbottom is a strong and knowledgable witch but she has no idea about wandlore." Neville flinched. "Your father's wand is made of Acacia wood. Do you know what the main property of wands made of such wood?" I asked him.

"No sir, I don't" he replied.

"Those wands are fiercely loyal. Whatever you do and however long you use the wand, it will not become loyal to you because doing so the wand would have to be disloyal to your father. Let me ask you a question, if given the chance would you select a new father?"

Neville's eyes became red as the others started looking at me with anger.

"No sir I won't" replied Neville.

"It is the same thing with your father's wand. It won't throw away your father and run to a new master even if the new master is the old master's son. But using an incompatible wand for years made you channel magic three to four times normally needed to cast a spell, causing your magic to grow faster. Keep this wand and do what you were doing and consider it magic volume training, but to be my personal student you need to get a new wand and start practicing with it as well." I said.