Precator Mysterium.

Neville looked pale but also happy. For the first time, someone has said he was not useless but a talent. This was a chance. And he was not going to miss it.

"I will buy a new wand sir." He replied.

I looked at Luna. "It seems like your housemates are not treating you well." I looked at her foot which had no shoes.

"Do you know why you can see the things you see Luna?" I asked.

"I don't know others cannot see them." She replied.

"Every magic leaves an imprint, Luna. When a wizard or a witch dwells deep into magic, he or she may be able to see these imprints. Haven't you seen Professor Snape taking a look at a potion and finding its falt without even testing it? That is because of this imprint. He is able to feel the potion and its magic. My skill is more visual. I am a professional in curse-breaking and warding, hence I am able to see the imprints to a certain degree. What you have is a skill similar to that. What you see at times are imprints of magic left by magical creatures or the wizards themselves." I said as the others looked at the girl with newfound respect.

"I don't know how to train this skill but I can try." I said and brought out five identical runes carved in cedar floating in mid-air. "Tell me which one I should not touch with my hand." I asked Luna.

She pointed to one.

"How did you know I should not touch it?" I asked curiously. I too wanted to know how her ability worked.

"I don't know. It seemed dangerous." She replied.

"Yes, excellent. You were able to feel the magic stored in it was dangerous. The ability to feel magic is an extremely rare phenomenon at this age. Do not let yourself be bullied because of it." I said and turned to all the five.

"Now we get to the serious part. If you want to quit the club, you can do so now. If you don't, we will meet every other day except when you have astronomy classes and also on the weekends. You will have to put in a lot of work." I said as the kids looked at one another.

"I will remind you this. I am not going to teach you how to duel. I am going to teach you how to fight. There is a stark difference between the two. There is no honor in fights. It's either you or your enemy. I will teach you how to dispatch your enemies with extreme prejudice and not some stunners and body-binding stuff." The students felt uncomfortable when I said. "Knowing such measures does not make you a bad wizard or a person. Knowledge is just knowledge, it's how you use it that defines who you are. There may come a time when you may have to act strongly. Mercy to your enemies is cruelty to your allies."

"So who wants to quit, and who wants to stay?" I asked

None of them left. "Alright then, follow me."

I walked to the left corridor of the seventh floor and stood opposite the tapestry of Barnabas the Barmy trying to teach trolls ballet. I moved across the empty wall thrice while the students looked at what the professor was doing. As soon as the third cross was done, a door appeared.

I took the handle opened it and let the kids inside. "Welcome to the Room we require or the Room of Requirement."

The students all looked amazed at the sight of a rainforest in the room. Tall trees blocked most of the sunlight. We stood at a clearing when I said. "This room can become what the witch or wizard needs and will present itself only if you have a strong need for it. Not everyone who walks across it three times can get access. It can turn into a library, a potions room, a dueling room, or even a rainforest in my case. The limit is your imagination. But you cannot summon anything within it or obtain food. You cant take the things out of the room as well."

The kids were looking around with interest. I saw the twinkle in Daphne's and Cederic's eyes when I said library.

"I call this group Precator Mysterium, or the unravellers of mystery. Now is time for the test. I will be posing as a dark wizard." My clothes transfigured into a dark hood and a red mask appeared in my hand. "I will give you all a five-minute headstart to plan your moves. You can work alone or together. Your aim is simple, attack me with everything you have. No restriction on spells except the unforgivables of course. I will only be using the stinging jinx to attack you. Be careful, and understand that each stinging hex could have been a spell that took your life."

I levitated and used the unsupported flight to turn into smoke of purple-red and flashed over to a distance and shouted. "Show me you have something worthy of me to teach kids."

"Does anyone know what do we do?" Neville asked.

"I will go alone" said Daphne as she started to move in my direction.

"We should stay together" said a disgruntled Harry.

Daphne did not reply and kept walking.

"Let's go in her direction. That's the direction the professor went as well" said Cederic.

The four clutched their wands and moved through the stocky trees.

Suddenly Daphne felt a stinging jinx on her neck. A small scorch mark appeared on her neck.

She turned around to look from where the jinx came but couldn't see anyone. Suddenly she felt a pain in her legs. As she looked in the direction from where the jinx came from she couldn't see anyone.

"He is there" came a reply from Harry who came out of the clearing and threw a rictusempra towards the direction he saw the jinx coming from. It did not hit anything while he received a stinging jinx to his stomach in return. This happened to Cederic and Neville as Luna said "He is in the trees, there."

I knew she could see me. So I descended down. The five soon stood before me in a semi-circle and started firing hexes, jinxes and curses. I looked at the approaching ones and just sidestepped sending a stinging jinx at Daphne and Neville. Luna's spell repertoire was low. she could only use a knockback jinx. She too soon succumbed to the stinging jinx. Harry and Cederic were throwing one spell after the other. Cederic throwing even a reducto and diffindo in the mix. Still, none of the spells hit me. I kept on dodging and sending stinging jinxes. The two soon tired out and fell to well-placed stinging jinxes at their wrists.

As the battle ended I came up to the kids and started treating them. The room soon changed to a dueling arena as per my intent. The students sat in five chairs in a semicircle in front of me.

"Tell me what you guys did wrong?" I asked.

"We did not use Luna's ability to spot you." Said a disgruntled Cederic. He was a senior and he could not even touch the professor with his spells. He just weaved through it naturally.

"Yes, that you did not. You knew that I could sneak up on you anytime, yet you decided to split up" I looked at Daphne who looked down.