Chapter 5. Another 2 deaths

" Hey guy Me, Kirigiri and Celestia found something it said blood bath fever." I said " Then, I know who the killer is, it was Toko Fukawa, She is the Serial killer Genocider Sho. " said Togami. " Never Fukawa is to nice she would faint at the sight of blood." Asahina said. " M-Master Togami please you said it would be our little secret!!" Fukawa said nervously, and then ACHOO we heard from Fukawa. " I guess you found out my secret Toko Fukawa was just a name I was born with, Its me Genocider Sho." she said. " You killed Hagakure " Togami snapped. " YOUR FORGETING SOMETHING *Refute side effect *" I said. "If Genocider Sho killed Hagakure Then, sicssors would everywhere". I said. " This kid knows that I didn't kill this guy would if I could." said Genocider Sho. " Then why would he be tied to a tree and why did I see blood bath fever. you always put blood bath fever on your kills" said Togami. " I already told you I didn't kill him and I don't hang people I attach them to the wall with sicssors " The killer used egstention cords to hang Hagakure so, It can't be Genocider Sho." Said Kirigiri. " Wait, Nagito is good with cords maybe he killed Hagakure." said Celestia. " That is right but, we need more evidence." said Kirigiri. " If it's not Genocider Sho It must be Togami he was trying to blame it on Genocider Sho because he kill Hagakure." said Nagito. " It makes sense but, when I came he didn't say anything to Hagakure which means It also can't be Togami." I said. "Of course it was Togami he invited Hagakure to the bathrooms and then killed him." said Nagito. " THAT'S NOT WHAT HAPPENED *Refute side effect *" I said. " Nagito, If Togami killed Then, we would not know Fukawa's secret, so It couldn't have been Togami. " I said. " I've got it I know who the killer was It was Nagito because he tried to pin it on Togami for reason, HE KILLED HAGAKURE you are guilty." I said. " I am MONO bored so, place in you votes." Complained Monokuma. He dinged the bell and it showed our votes we all voted Nagito. " Correct The killer was yours truly Nagito Time for his punishment." Said Monokuma in victory. Nagito was voted guilty time for his punisment. * PUNISHMENT THE SPACE JOURNEY* Monokuma put Nagito in a rocket and then the rocket set off to the sky, It fell and hit the ground. When Monokuma opened the rocket a skeleton come from the top it was Nagito. " just like my dad." Kirigiri thought. * insert ending theme from Danganronpa: the animation *