Chapter 6. The start of something crazy

After the trial I went up to our rooms, until I heard Asahina scream, We all ran in the room. " You guys, I think I found Fujisaki's ghost," said Asahina, freaking out. " But, I'm not dead, let me see," said Fujisaki. Fujisaki walked into the room and then she opened up the locker, Then, she found her very own Alter Ego. " This is my Alter Ego, I programmed her when I was 3." Fujisaki flexed. " I think if we get Alter Ego to create a virus in the system to save people from punishments." said Celestia. " But what about Monokuma he could do anything about the punishments, What if he finds Alter Ego." I said. " enough with the chit chat and come to the gym." Monokuma said impatiently. We went to the gym and standing on the speakers we saw Monokuma with 10,000 dollars. " If you are wondering why I have an epic amount of money right, well If you graduate you will get 10,000 dollars." Monokuma yelled. " First he wants us to kill, now he's bringing us." I thought, shaking with fear. After that we decided to check floor 3. We got lost, each room we went to then stopped when we heard a teenage girl laughing. I thought it was Enoshima because it sounded like her. I noticed Yamado was missing but I didn't think anything about it, until I smelt blood. By the time we walked into the art room we saw Yamado's dead body. " We HaVe WiTnEsSeD a MuRdEr TiMe FoR a TriaL!!!!!!" Monokuma yelled with excitement. We were looking for our way out to get to the elevator and found Kaito's dead body. " We HaVe WiTnEsSeD AnOtHeR MuRdEr TiMe FoR a TrIaL wHo WoUlD dO tHiS!!!!!!" Monokuma yelled with excitement. * insert ending theme from Danganronpa: the animation *