Chapter 8. I cracked the case

When we unlocked the new floor Sakura noticed that the was poison in a tiny bottle. " What did you notice." Celestia said. " Well when me and Kiri went to investigate more we found some more of that powder, It was blue this time but, I saw a hammer." I said. " so, It couldn't have been Genocider Sho." Asahina said. " What if it was Kokichi." Togami said. " YOUR FORGETTING SOMETHING *Refute side effect *" I yelled. " If it was Koichi why would he use his favorite tool to kill." Celestia said. " He is crazy after all." Togami said. Kokichi would maybe do it for the money." I said. " After Nagito died he was acting weird." Kirigiri said. " When we were in middle school Kokichi and Nagito were good friends." Asahina said. " I'vE bEeN wAiTiNg FoR hOuRs HuRrY uP. " Monokuma complained. we paid no attention to the bear what so ever. " if you guy dont finish this trial in 3 hours Then, all of you guy die even the killer. Monokuma demanded, as he put a 3 hour timer on the wall. " WeLl iLl tElL yOu ThIs ThErE iS a TrAiToR sOmEwHeRe iN tHiS rOoM." Monokuma told us. " You have a point Togami but, if it was Kokichi why would there be powder." I said. " Kokichi is Practically a powder scientist." Celestia said to me. " If it's not Fukawa it has to be Kokichi." Togami replied. " I do have some proof that its Kokichi because the hammer had writing on it that said hammer of Justice." Kirigiri said. " oh yeah the weapon of legendary Kokichi in minecraft." I said. In a flashback, " I have the hammer of Justice as a legendary weapon." Kokichi said. End of flashback. " 30 MiNuTeS oN tHe CLoCk." Monokuma called out when the timer showed 1 hour. This bear really is inpatient. pLaCe In YoUr VoTeS." Monokuma said. " I vote Kokichi." everyone said. " CoRrEcT tHe KiLLer WaS yOuRs TrULy KoKiChi OmUa, TiMe FoR HiS pUnIshMeNt!!!!!!" Monokuma yelled. Kokichi was voted guilty time for his punisment. * Punishment The Witch Trance* Monokuma lit Kokichi on fire but he didn't die until, a huge fire truck came and ran him over. THAT NIGHT, " PLeAsE cOmE tO ThE gYm." Monokuma said. When we went to the gym we saw Sakura and Monokuma. " YoU gUyS kNoW wHeN i ToLd YoU tHeRe Is A tRaItOr In HeRe." Monokuma asked. " Yeah." we all said. " WeLl SaKuRa OgAmI iS tHe TrAiToR!!!!" Monokuma yelled. We were all shocked to hear that Ogami was the traitor. " You guys, Sakura would never want to be a traitor." Ashina said, but we all ignored her ecxept me, " Of CoUrSe ShE dIdN't WaNt To Be A tRaiTor I fOrSeD hEr To." Monokuma said. " I don't believe if I know Sakura she would never Asahina is right." I yelled. THE NEXT DAY, We were all walking to the cafe to eat but, when we made it half way in the art room we saw Sakura's dead body. * insert ending theme from Danganronpa: the animation *