Chapter 9. If you are don't die ur computer will

Me and Kiri found Sakura's dead body I tried to open the door but I couldn't get it open so, I broke the window and ulocked the door. Sakura had to cough up blood and the kill put these bumps on her head, and me and Kiri saw shattered glass bottles on the floor an the poison bottle was on the floor and when I broke the glass there was a cup on top of it." Another murderer means that we will be grauating soon." Celestia said. " YeP bUt, ThErE hAs To Be OnE pErSoN rEmAiNiNg, I'lL lEt YoU iNvEsTaGaTe ThEn TrIaL." Monokuma protested. " SAKURA NO!" Asahina yelled of sorrow. " CoUpSe AlErT ChIcKaDeEs StOp Me If YoU'vE hEaRd ThIs OnE iNvEsTiGaTiOn ThEn TrIal." Monokuma yelled. " Monokum in th future, I will find a way to destroy you." Togami said very properly. Before we even got to the elevator Monokuma disapeared, Then when we go to the room where we do trials Monkuma was there before, we even were at the elevator. " the killer hit Sakura in the head with a glass bottles, and there was a cup on top of the glass and I broke the winodow after I saw her dead body, but the poison bottle was on the floor." I told everyone. " I saw shattered glass bottle on the the floor so, thats what the killer hit Sakura with." Kirigiri said. " There was the poison bottle on the floor so, she was poisoned." Celestia said. " I killed Sakura Oogami I hit her with the glass bottles it was me." Asahina said. " There was a cup on the floor with glass on top, When I broke the window the glass would have been on top of the cup, if you can't explain that then, you weren't the killer." I said. " I know who hit Sakura on the head with the glass." Fukawa said. " who was it." everyone said. " It was Leon Kuwata." Fukawa said damaticly. Then, everyone gasped dramaticly. " Well, I did but, I didn't kill her." Leon said. " He does have a point because there were two bumps on her head." I said. "Maybe, he hit her twice." Fukawa snapped. " Let us talk to Genocider Sho." I said. Then Fukawa got her braid and then tickled her nose. " ACHOO!!!" Fukawa sneezed. " Alright, I'm back what do you guys want." Genocider Syo said. " Did you hit Sakura Oogami on the head with a glass bottle." I asked. " Oh, you mean tall strong girl Well, I Fukawa went to meet her in the room she died in and Fukawa fainted so I got a glass bottle and hit her on the head with it and the glass bottle shattered but, she didn't die. " 30 MiNuTeS oN tHe ClOcK." Monokuma said when it was at 1 hour." Monokuma was getting less impaisent the second. " which means this was a suiside." I said. " PlAcE In YoUr VoTeS." Monokuma yelled. We voted Sakura. " CoRrEcT tHe KiLlEr Of SaKuRa OoGaMi Is SaKuRa OoGaMi." Monokuma annonced. " So, Nobody dies." I thought. " We HaVe A nEw KiLl ToDaY." Monokuma said. *PUNISMENT THE BULLDOVER TRICK* Alter Ego was on a table Then, got smushed BY A HUGE WRECKING BALL twenty times. " My files" Fujisaki thought. * insert ending theme from Danganronpa: the animation *