Chapter 10. The scary feelings

After the trial, we unlocked the next floor which seemed to be the last. we wer all in the cafeteria and someone was a killer. We checked everyones pockets to figure out who the killer was it was.....Fukawa, She had a survival knife. " we already have a killer. " I thought as Fukawa was putting the knife back in her pocket. " NoOoOoO sOmEoNe ToOk It GYM NOW." Monokuma said angrily. we went to the gym to see Monokuma on the food truck stomping on it. " SoMeOnE tOoK mY kEy ThAt PeRsOn WiLl Be PuNiShEsD uNtIl wE fInD tHe ColPrit AlL oF yOu WiLl Be UnDer RoOm ArReSt." Monokuma said angrily* After that * I went to see if Kirigiri was ok but when I went to her room... I saw the door wide open and Kirigiri dragged me in the room like she was waiting on me. She showed me a key that had a Monokuma head but, it was tiny not like the real thing. " I was the one that took his key so, he is angry at me." She invited all of us to the roof top garden. We went to the garden and saw a chicken missing and a dead body with a mask. We took off the mask it burnt; We ran to get buckets of water and poured them on the body. " TiMe FoR TrIal." Monokuma yelled as he usual would. * insert ending theme from Danganronpa: the animation *