Chapter 11. Trial 4.

"We didn't know anything about this random body we found." I said. " Its obvious to know who killed her/him." Togami pointed out. " Who Master Togami." Fukawa said. " Kyoko Kirigiri." Togami replied. " We don't have any evidence that she did it." I cried. " Yes indeed I do she was the one who invited us to the garden she must've took the chicken." Togami explained. *Refute side effect* THAT'S NOT RIGHT. I forgot to tell you guys this but... Kirigiri is Terrified of chickens." I said. " Kirigiri is this true." Togami asked. " Indeed it is." Kirigiri said. " That's why she never went around the chicken." Asahina says. " Thats right." says Kirigiri. " YoU gUyS rEmEmBeR tHaT i'M tImInG yOu GuYs, 2 MoRe HoUrS." Monokuma said very annoyed. " If it wasn't Kirigiri then there's only one suspicous person left." Togami said. " Who???" I said unknowingly. " Noriko Sonozaki!!!" Togami said. " What evidence proves that." I say. " AlSo If AnYoNe FiNdS mY kEy PlEaSe GiVe It To Me." Monokuma says as a reminder. " Well, nobody else likes chickens like you do." Togami said ignoring Monokuma. " That doesn't mean i'd kidnap one." I replied. " HeY i'M yOuR pRiNcEaPaL, dOn'T iGnOrE mE!!!." Monokuma yells. " Your wrong Noriko would never." Kirigiri said. " How's that." Togami said. " Because when we first saw the chickens she was adored and looked like she would never hurt a chicken in her life." Kirigiri said back. " No MoRe WaItInG pLaCe In YoUr VoTeS nOw." Monokuma said. We place in our votes and only 2 people voted Togami the rest of the people voted me!?!?!?!?!?!? * insert ending theme from Danganronpa: the animation *