Chapter 12. What really happend

l got voted but they were wrong so, their all gonna die. " DiD i MeTiOn ThAt WhO eVeR yOu VoTe DiEs JuSt To MaKe MoRe DrAmA." Monokuma says as a reminder. " Wait if any of us then it must have been a suicide." I said. " I know that it was Kirigiri because she was the only one who wasnt with like i said earlier." Togami added. " Like I said earlier it couldn't be her." I replied. " how is that true." Togami said. " We were all up there and she was in her room and it was thrown out of nowhere so I think it was suicide or Monokuma." I said. " AlSo No MaTtEr HoW mUcH i WaNt To I cAn'T` mUrDeR aNyBoDy." Monkuma said. We all place in our votes and we all vote the body. " CoRrEcT! ThE kIlLeR iS tHe BoDy It WaS a SuIcIdE nObOdY dIeS." Monokuma said. We unlock the final floor and we have no choice but to kill each other