He is jealous

(Isabella POV)

My eyes roamed through the room nervously as I try my best to avoid Nancy's gaze. She was grinning ever since she caught me kissing Nyx.

"So you and Killian" her grin widen as I groaned.

"Can we not talk about it" I grumbled as she rolled her eyes.

"Umm no! This topic must be discussed. It's your first kiss and that too with an overly handsome military guy. I am not going to let this go" she said as I sighed, putting hands on my head.

My eyes automatically wander to Nyx's bed and I blushed as I caught him staring at me.

I hope Zylians don’t have high level hearing and all. But then again he heard my heart beat fast.

"Urgh, god this is embarrassing," I said to myself covering my face and groaning.

"Fine. I'll ask you later. Time for my duty and time for you to go and sleep" she said as I sighed and nodded.

"Yea," I said as I smiled at her.

"Your shift is over?" Nyx asked as I walked to him.