(Isabelle POV)
"We are here," I said as I grinned at him.
"This is just a wall hanged with leaf," he said as I smiled at him.
I went and knocked on the wall as he looked at me confused. The door suddenly opened as he stepped back in shock.
"Come on," I said as I walked in.
I can feel him tense as people walked past him. I smiled and grabbed onto his hand and squeezed it. He looked down at me with a void face before continuing to look around in caution.
Maybe it was a bad idea to bring him with me. I didn’t want to waste time as I directly went to the collecting department.
"Good day, sir. Isabella from Clinic Section 29986 department" I said as the man in uniform typed something on the computer, verified my identity, and immediately ordered the officers to bring in supplies.
They came in with two large boxes and I quickly went and took one.