I love her

(Prince Nyx POV)

I ran through the corridor of my ship as fast as my leg could.

They have found out about her! How!

"Nyx!" A familiar voice filled my ear making me stop in y track. I turned around with a glare at the person who called me.

My mind was hazy and I didn’t think before I speed walked to him and punched him straight in the face.

"How can you do it to me?! You promise you won't tell!" I said as I glared at my brother. He groaned and rubbed his bruised cheek before looking at me.

His eyes shined violet indicating of initialization of power.

"I didn’t tell anyone! Even I was unaware of my father's scheme to attack. I heard about it only just now, from the guards" he said as my eyes widen.

"You didn’t tell him?" I asked as he shook his head.

"No! I can't believe you don’t believe your brother will keep his word" he said as I looked at him confused.

"If you didn’t tell him, how did he know?" I asked as he sighed.