
(Isabella POV)

"Falling in love with a human! Prince Nyx, how can you! Have you forgotten what these earthlings did to our people!?" King Knox shouted at his son.

"Father, I know! But she is my mate, my other half!" Nyx argued as he wrapped his hand protectively around me.

“Earthling can't be mates with us! We are far more dignified. You are the next King. You should marry a potential Zylian! Not some lowly creature!” The king shouted earning a growl from his son.

“Do not speak low of my Mate. She is more than capable to be queen!" he shouted as his father sighed.

“I am sorry, Nyx but you are not in the right state of mind," the king said as the other looked at him confused.

“Guards! Seize Prince Nyx and kill the human!” King ordered as our eyes widen.

“NO!” Nyx shouted as millions of guards ran to us with weapons.

I felt Nyx's body shake and I knew his power is being activated. Suddenly he glowed gold as his gun appeared in his hand.