(Isabelle POV)
I walked through the long corridor behind the doctor.
He was filling me on the matters on Nyx and it doesn’t seem to be pleasing. TA the end of the long corridor was a white door.
"Why is the corridor long? I mean is there any purpose or something?" I asked as the doctor nodded.
"Yes. This is called the purifying area- Zone zero. Here the special device cleans you of any type of germs so you enter the critical unit with the care of not spreading anything to the patient" he said as I nodded.
The door opened and I walked in to only grasp at the sight. I ran to Nyx who looked very pale. He had all kinds of devices connected to his body.
"His body is not doing well with the poison. Can you fill me in on the details of his first poisoning?" the doctor said as I nodded.
As I told Nyx's entire history and how I treated him, the doctor wrote the notes nodding.